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#Week 19 challenge, Asean hive community What's Your Favorite Movie: Sonic hedgehog


Introduction to the Asean hive community weekly contest 19.

Sonic hedgehog season one and two.

The first season of the show was actually released in early April of 2020. The story is all about a hedgehog named Hod that has been destined to save the world from the threat of a mad scientist named Robotnik. The movie is actually all about how the hedgehog had to travel to earth for safety after his guardian was killed by an opposite tribe, but never knew that he was actually on a quest that would gain him popularity on earth. He came across a mad scientist who was actually in love with him and decided to find the secrets behind his powers and also to create a supreme bot by stealing his power, but Sonic somehow made his way to survive this awful man. He actually succeeded in the creation of a really powerful space ship that was quite fast, but there was no proof that the ship was really faster than sonic. Sonic managed to send Robotnik to another place where he would live with only mushrooms. And through his new friends, he was able to live on the planet and got an order from the government that he was actually free to stay in the country.
Season two.
In this season, a new cast was found. It was actually a guy that was shown in the Sonic hedgehog video games of the 90s. He was actually a villian along with Robotnik and another two-tailed fox who located Sonic and told him about the dangers ahead. This time around, Sonic actually had to face Robotnik as his side kick. He is also known as the guardian of an amulet that has the power to end the world if it gets into the wrong hands. Knuckles actually taught him that robotnik was actually with him, but he was actually on another side. Sonic saved Knuckles from death and they became friends, and he taught the most important thing to a successful friendship and that is teamwork. Thus,
Why should the Asean community actually consider this movie and watch it.
The lessons I gained from it are actually listed below .
1)No one is above mistakes
make an error? Take another ring, then proceed. In Sonic, speed is everything. But the danger of making mistakes increases with speed. While some games are brutally challenging, others are incredibly forgiving with additional lives and continues. The Sega Genesis/Mega Drive's original Sonic game series falls halfway in the middle. As he races through the various stages, Sonic gathers rings, and these rings act as an additional layer of defense. All of your rings fly around the battlefield if you are struck by an adversary. The good news is that you can reclaim this layer of security by simply picking up one of the dropped, bouncing rings.
Don't quit when you eventually make up your mind.
2)Don't be timid Once You've Made Up Your Mind
You must keep moving forward while Sonic is sprinting through corkscrews or loops to avoid falling off the track. You must decide to run in a particular direction and stay with it. Likewise, effective leaders take decisive action. What prevents us from making wise choices? Fear, together with bad decision-making practices, can.


This my entry to the challenge but it is also my first making entry for the Asean hive community contest and hope to get more engagement soon.
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