Two Precious Gifts Turned Family (A Story About Our Fur Babies)

A lovely day to each and every one!

Today, please allow me to share with you all our moments with our super loved family member...our cutie toy poodle... ARASHI!

I was moved and captivated by the scene I saw this morning as I was doing my chores at home. I saw my husband carrying our baby Arashi while he was sweeping some fallen leaves from the Talisay tree in our front yard. I immediately got my phone and took photos. Well, I usually do this... capturing some photos of our beloved Arashi. We really treat him as a member of our family. He is our happiness and our stress reliever.

Arashi is a gift given to us by a family friend in Belgium. They gifted us with this cute dog because that time I was really so sad and we were grieving the loss of our first pet, Arashi. Yes, her name was Arashi, too. We love her so much and we could feel her love for us, too.
She died due to parvo and what saddened us much was because that time we are not yet fully educated on how to take good care of a pet dog. And that's a lesson we learned.

The moment our family friend learned what happened to our previous pet, the couple decided to give us another dog. They advised us to search online for some small breed dogs. And Arashi and his siblings caught our attention.

Every day, our friend would call and ask us if we already found some options and told us to send them photos. So, we sent them the photos of Arashi and his siblings.

My first choice was Arashi's sister with white color, but before meeting the puppies that time, my friend told me to feel who will touch our hearts the most as we choose one among the 5 siblings.

The kind of feeling that we can feel the presence of our late pet dog, because they believe dogs will also reincarnate. And we did what they told us.
That time we met the puppies’ owner outside one of the shopping malls in our area. We felt so excited and ready to choose carefully as Ms. Dinah, the owner opened the cage...

As soon as she did, this tiny brown fur baby ran fast directly to my daughter @tegoshei while the other puppies just stood and stared at us and the other passers-by. Abruptly, my daughter carried him and was so amazed. So were my husband and I. We looked meaningfully at each other and in a snap, we chose him and named him baby Arashi in memory of our Ate (big sister) Arashi.

He was only 1 month and 2 weeks that time and now he is already 10 years and 4 months old. We are so lucky and so blessed having him in the family. And promised ourselves to be more knowledgeable in taking good care of him. Like following the schedule of his clinic visits and proper food for him, etc. He is our happiness and stress reliever. And honestly, he has a lot of gestures the same as our late Ate Arashi.

These are some of his photos when he was still a baby. He is so lovely and adorable. He's also playful and there was a time we caught him watching a show in our old television...a precious pose to capture.

He always follows his routine at home every day. As he wakes up in the morning, he goes outside with my husband and he's going to poop. Then later, we have our breakfast and after that, he goes again to my husband and wants to be carried and roam outside for he knows I will be busy then for some chores inside the house and his Ate Shei @tegoshei will start her work in her room/office.

And then, after our lunch he will go inside our room for his nap. But before napping, he plays with his favorite toy that we named “Butchok” because the sound of the toy when you shake it produce that sound. lol

If he feels that the A/C is not cool enough yet, he won’t sleep in his foam. Instead, he lays down on the floor first and would only transfer to his bed when it’s already cozy.

Every time we tell him that he is going to his vet or we let him be groomed, he’d feel super hyped and excited and will go to the drawer where we keep his leash. He also has this habit of climbing and staying on top of the sofa’s backrest.

He also loves to be cuddled. Every time her Ate Shei @tegoshei stays in the living room to relax, he would always approach her and then would lie down on the floor on his back to be cuddled. Sometimes, if we stop petting him, he would grab our hands to get our attention.
When we sit on the sofa, he’ll usually lie down on our lap and again wants to be cuddled. He is really our joy.

Sometimes he is naughty, too. If he wants to go inside her Ate Shei's room but he is not allowed yet because her ate is working, he will pee at the door... somewhat showing his disappointment...

Also, when I go outside for some work at the kitchen leave him inside the house, he’ll sometimes pee on my slippers. That's his crazy side, but every time I or any member of the family is not feeling well, he feels it and he comforts us by staying close to us and licking us as his kiss gesture. Isn't he so sweet and adorable...? I'm sure all of you who has pets of any kinds can really relate to this feeling. We are always thankful to God for this wonderful blessing and of course super grateful to our friend who gifted us this lovely fur baby.

And before I end my post here, I want to share some photos of our precious "Ate Arashi in heaven”. She was also a gift from one of our close friends who we stayed at the same compound years ago as a tenant. Her breed was a mix of Shih Tzu and a native Filipino dog.

These are the stories about our precious moments with our beloved fur babies. I hope I was able to share a little enjoyment to you all. Thank you and God bless us all!

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