My Family's Mini Sari-Sari Store and Ice Cream Shop

Hello there, fellow Hivers. Have a blissful day to each and every one!!

Today, I want to share a story about our small sari-sari store. We started this little business when my husband retired from his work as PNP (Philippine National Police) officer. We decided to have this small business not only to earn earning a living, but also for my husband to have something to do every day. He needed something to occupy himself after retiring. It’s important to keep ourselves busy with something rather than doing nothing.

He loves to have this sari-sari store though, because his father had the same business before too. And he used to help his parents in their store when he was younger. For him, catering or entertaining some customers in the store is very enjoyable. Tending to the store is also a good exercise for him.

We started this store with a small capital. Investing an amount we can only afford. Later on, it grew little by little and was able to help us with our daily needs. Many of our regular customers here are kids whom my husband have fun with because he likes children and the kids like him too and called him "Kuya Pulis" (Big brother police).

Even when they meet outside or in the street, the kids always greet my husband. Sometimes, we let the kids come inside and have some chat and snacks. Other times, the kids also help us in cleaning the yard, picking up some fallen dry leaves, and so on.

Most of the time, my husband does the shopping for groceries in the store, but sometimes my daughter and I go with him in purchasing some goods too. Of course, we always have some treats for our fur baby. These are for Arashi...

We also have this franchise which is formerly called AICE Ice Cream, but now it's Joyice Ice Cream. This is my daughter @tegoshei's personal investment. Almost all of the ice cream in different flavors are hot seller for the kids and the teenagers here. Earnings for these little businesses are already a big help to us because @tegoshei always share and offer a big help for the family.

At home we have this division of household chores routine. Mostly, all my tasks are inside the house. But I also help some works outside like cleaning the shelves in the store and of course, taking care of our little garden. Our daughter does the same task as I do when she is free from work. We only have a lighter workload compared to my husband.
He loves to do some carpentry at home… fixing anything that’s broken or damaged furniture and even some of the electrical problems. He personally cleans our A/C, too so we won't have to hire some A/C cleaner. Like what he did this time, he is cleaning @tegoshei's air conditioner while watching the store at the same time. But he can only clean the A/C, but cannot fix it when it's broken.

He usually opens the store at 6 or at 7 in the morning and closes at 10pm.

That's all for today’s blog. Thank you so much for reading. God bless us all!

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