Asean Hive Community Challenge Week#111

Hello hiver friends 😆

This week challenge is about sports. Most people like sports but not all have time for it. The kids got them. They are encourage to engage whatever they like to.

Heads down 👇 to the challenge below for the mechanics.


Under the Santol Tree

Kick, kick and more kicks...
Then drop down, rolling over the grasses , up and down. Such a very active ages of seven to fourteen. It is nice to be a kid once more. I can only sigh. Under the shades of the Santol tree near the house were the kids kicking ang flying as they might to reach the ball that they hang at its branch just enough for their toes to reach when they gallop the ball in the air. They were practicing the Sepak Takraw, locally known as Sipa that basically means kick.


I am glad to know that the school is honing another type of sports other than the number one which is the basketball. My nephew is as eager and with lots of excitement with this sport. As I can see, he was inly playing basketball 🏀 before but because the elementary school that he was in were actively promoting and supporting Sepak Takraw, he became one of the team. He was interested and he keep practicing until he is now a high schooler. I just hope he will keep the interest and become better if not best. Looking at them, by the terrace as they kick the Sepak Takraw plastic ball, I was a proud Auntie. Look at that biceps he developed from being so active. The younger kids also were showing interest with the sports. They liked to participate the practice though they couldn't reach the ball yet. The big brother has to pull the branch of the Santol tree as the little boy throws his foot to the air. I kept on taking pictures to save. I couldn't be here all the time at our 🏠 home. I keep those simple days with them in memory. I would missed it later.


At the real court with the net and real opponents


Back to the City, I have seen this photo that was shared by his mother. It was a capture I was grateful for Emjae Fotos with my nephew in his 90 degree kick. He was in action. A proud Auntie again. His team is competing on a league. Isn't it amazing? From the backyard to the court. I could only clapped on silence away. I always pray 🙏 for safety and fun in his play.


Cover Image is mine taken with Vivo 1901. Photo credit to @EmJae Fotos
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Asean Hiver. Hive Ph. Islander Journal.Ladiesofhive. Loves Reading and sharing thoughts and experiences.

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