Our Business Attitudes

Hello readers, welcome to my blog. Today has been a good day for me, and I hope it was also good for you.

I will be speaking on attitude towards business. When it comes to business, attitude is inevitable.

This is what makes a business, to be successful. Our attitudes towards our customers determine our success, and it could also determine our failure in business.

As a business personnel, which I am, I've seen some attitudes that are not supposed to be seen in the life of a businessman or woman. And, I would love to share one of those attitudes with you, which is lateness.


Before I ventured into the waterleaf business, I didn't know much about attitude because no one told me about that.

I, always arrived at the market by 9. am in the morning. And by the time I arrived there, I noticed my co_ business partners had made a lot of sales.

And, I will begin to wonder about the time they left their houses for the market. I continue going to the market late, for over a year and a half.

In the end, I couldn't sell all the water leaves I bought on time, but others who bought the same water leaves with me, and also from the same person, gained from it.

At some point, I was ashamed of myself, for not being able to sell. Honestly, I wanted to give up on myself. I thought business was not meant for me.

The mistake that I made, was that I failed to acknowledge my fault. Had it been I, was able to acknowledge it, it wouldn't have been difficult for me.

One morning, I decided to have a conversation with my friend, who did the same business with me. I told her everything I've encountered since I started the business.

But the question She asked me made me look stupid in front of her.
She asked me about the time I used to go to the market to sell, and I said 9. am.

She laughed uncontrollably, and I was curious to know why She laughed so loud. She told me that I was not using the right attitude to business, and that's why I was experiencing such.

I asked her what She meant by that, and she said I should always be at the market before 7.30 am.
The reason is because that's the exact time some customers enter the market to buy.

According to her, if I'm not at the market before then, I would stand a better chance of losing them for another person.

I was shocked when She told me where I'd gone wrong and how to correct what needed to be corrected.

I was so happy that at least I knew my attitude toward my business. I tried going to the market very early, and I noticed that those waterleaves I couldn't sell; I was able to sell them because I changed my attitude towards my business.

Sometimes, you might not know how your attitude towards business has affected people negatively, until you are told, just like me.

Don't be shy to share your bad experiences with People around you, they might be of help to you.

As it stands now, I'm not losing anything in my business. I make a profit every day of my life.
I always have this joy in my heart each time I see how far I've gone in my water-leaf business.

Please, my fellow businessmen and women, If you know your attitude towards your business is not helping matters, please, you need to closely examine your attitude. Once you do that, you will find your fault and how you can correct it.

Thank you for reading through my post.

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