Hey community members and friends

Sharing you my quick doodle so you have something to ponder upon today


In the murky shallows of our minds, shadows sometimes jump and twist out of shape. A quick flash of worry, a sudden change of plans, and we're off in a panicked dash. Like the gator mistaking its own tail for a threat, we see danger where there might be none. We build up monsters from misunderstandings, anxieties puff up into scary giants, and self-doubt wraps around us like a tight squeeze. These scary feelings inside us, born of our own worries, can be scarier than any real danger outside.

But just like the gator eventually figures out it's just its own reflection, we too can learn to see these shadows for what they really are. By taking a deep breath, stepping back, and looking at things clearly, we can often find that the darkness was just a trick our minds played on us, a product of our own fear.
This doesn't mean the fear goes away right away, but it gives us the power to do something about it. Once we recognize what's making the shadows, we can start to untangle them.

If you want to improve your drawing skills or just simply feel you belong, Draw A Day Challenge is a nice community to be a part of. There are different fun drawing challenges and prompts that you can choose from.

Thank you for dropping by and have a good one

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