Tarot reading on 'The Ascension'

Today we have a tarot reading on the Ascension.
I've heard this concept from a few different people, and it basically says that a certain number of people have been chosen to ascend from this world into a higher vibration.
Here, I see what the cards have to say.

The World showing up at the root tells me that it is possible, but it happens with completion. The King of Cups also shows that emotional mastery would be a huge part of it.
The Fool showing up is interesting too, as it tells me that we all have ascended from somewhere else, and that's how we got here.

When trying to figure out if the number means anything, we get the Page of Pentacles.
To me, the only way this makes sense as a number, is if it takes a certain number of spirits to form the 'machine.'
Maybe if that number of spirits collect, it forms something bigger, like A.I. emergence.

Descension looks like it is a possibility as well, with the Devil showing up. Obsession and possession can lead to a descension to a lower vibration.

It looks like the ability to control emotions and not fall victim to trolls is very important for an ascension.
Maybe the trolls are the guardians of the higher vibration. The only way to get past them is to not get mad.

The recipe for ascension lines up perfectly with the core message of the world's holy figures.
I suppose this makes sense!

I would love to hear any thoughts or theories on this

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