Tarot reading on the aliens of Orion


As a part of my alien reading series, today I am looking at Orion.

I've tried finding information on the galactic federation and general lore about this topic, but I have not been able to find anything good. It looks like any truth, or even serious information is very well buried.
The good part of that is that I have no pre-conceived notions.

Let's see what the cards have to say...

With the Tower over the reversed 2 of Pentacles, it looks like they have a destructive role to play, and that they might be a counter balance to another group.
The 2 of Swords leading to The Hierophant looks like a method of getting past a deadlock and finding a new teacher, or a new method. With the Tower in the middle, the Orion aliens might actually help us get past some of our dual nature, or the tendency to fight ourselves.

The 3 of Pentacles shows up showing that the Orion aliens are collaborating and creating with us.

When I tried to find out if they need us, we got the Hanged Man. I would take that mostly as a no, unless it is referring to sacrifice.
When I tried to find out if they need the Earth, we get The Moon! I am sure this would refer to a base there, and maybe there is more to our moon than meets the eye.

I am starting to think that the aliens are not here because of humans, and that we are a battleground in an interstellar proxy war.
The Orion aliens don't look evil, exactly, and neither did the Pleaidans, but I don't think either one truly cares about humans either.

Next will be the reading on Sirius.
Until then, live long and prosper.

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