Is there a Galactic Federation?(tarot reading)

The image was created with MidJourney A.I. art creator

This was a requested topic, and something that I was truly surprised when I learned that I had not already done a reading on it.
The story of the Galactic Federation was put forth by former Israeli space security chief Haim Eshed in 2020.
He is pretty much the most credible person who could have possibly disclosed it, but the media didn't follow up with him at all.
It makes sense to me that various alien races would form agreements, so the Galactic Federation seems like it almost has to be a thing to some degree. The real question would be whether or not they have ever been to Earth.
Let's see what the cards have to say...

I used the Deviant Moon tarot and the Tattoo Tarot here, and this was kind of a freaky reading as some of the same cards came out in both decks.
Please watch the video for the reading.

May we all feel the warmth of the sun, and may we all figure our shit out...

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