The Right-hand Path and Left-hand Path of Magic and it’s possible Relation to Politics.

As an interested outsider I have been investigating the occult and Freemasonry and I have been considering a link between magic and politics. The word government comes from the Latin verb guverno, guvernare meaning ‘to control’ or to ‘to rule’ and the Latin noun mens, mentis meaning mind. Therefore the word government means to control or rule the mind or more simply mind control. Mind control is a form of hypnosis which is an illusionary form of magic. So government in its most simplistic form is magic.

Therefore politics (both left and right wing politics) could be considered to be Satans playground and representation on earth along with magic or possibly via the use of magic. Researching Satanism and magic you will discover that there is a left-hand path (left wing) and a right-hand path (right wing). It is the right-hand path who may want a world religion, for reasons addressed later in this article. I believe there is a war going on between the two paths right now. The war to determine which path will rule society. But are both paths of magic being deceived?

If you consider the two colours of the main parties being two primary colours red and blue – when combined they produce purple which is the colour of royalty. Royalty or the Royal family do appear to rule over most nations on earth. Where the Queen is not overtly in control, some believe there is likely a secret pact ensuring that she is. The governments of those nations swear to her majesty. Both political sides, both left and right, blue and red swear to the Queen. The royal family are openly Freemasons, which is an occult, meaning secret society.

According to Wikipedia, there are various forms of magic. These include:

Ceremonial Magic, which one could argue applies to the Royal Family, in an effort to provide the illusion of grandeur and supremacy.

Chaos Magic, where it could be argued the Covid/food/fuel shortages is a manufactured spell of this type of magic

Magic Illusion, which could be considered as the illusion of societies as a whole.

Magic Supernatural, where beliefs and actions are used to influence supernatural beings and forces.

Magical thinking where there is a belief that unrelated events are casually connected, particularly as a result of supernatural effects.

Magick a term used to distinguish between ceremonial and performance magic.

Medieval European magic, which is presumably where royalty and the perception of their grandeur stems from.

Renaissance magic from European Renaissance period.

There is much more history involved in magic especially in its timing of renewal during the Renaissance and medieval period and the creation of Freemasonry and various other secret societies, but I won’t discuss that here. For now, I am more interested in the two paths of magic. They are called the Left-hand path and the right-hand path. So lets take a look at both paths of magic.

The Right-hand Path of Magic

The right-hand path is more focused on Abrahamic religion such as Islam, Judaism and Christianity where karma is considered to happen for wrong-doings. The involvement of many religions is an interesting observation to make in light of the expected future mergence of religion to create a one world religion. The right-hand path is seen as preferring to follow specific ethical codes and social conventions. Their aim is to work towards ascending their souls to ultimate union or reunion with the divine source, allegorically alluded to as climbing back up the ladder after the ‘great fall’. If their goal is to be united or reunited, then it is probable that they may be attempting to fulfill Biblical prophesy so as to meet the Messiah. In their work they embrace the light and attempt to annihilate anything they regard as ‘dark’ or ‘evil’.

The Left-hand Path of Magic

The Left-hand Path of magic is often held as synonymous with black magic or evil magic. However, Wikipedia claims that not all definitions agree. Some argue the two terms simply refer to different kinds of workings. I will let the reader come to their own conclusions. Within some definitions, the left-hand path believe in self deification and therefore serve no God or gods. The left-hand path follow no social convention of agreements and adopt the attitude of following any kind of set morality in favour experimenting in taboo works. Aleister Crowley and his sex magic would be a well known practitioner of magic which pushed set morality in the left-hand path of magic. Sex magic might involve homosexuality, bestiality, necrophilia (Paedophile Jimmy Saville from the BBC was known for this), incest and paedophilia amongst other forms of sex magic.

Aleister Crowley also adopted a ‘do as thou wilt’ motto to his teachings in magic, confirming the belief in self deification and refusal to serve a God.

The merging of the two paths?

Recently the Wikipedia page has greatly reduced its writings on the left and right-hand path of magic. The conclusion on the recently edited Wikipedia page appears to be that practitioners can participate in both sides of magic to reach their goal. This idea is based on recent or modern definitions of the terms. Previously it had provided clear differences between the two methods. It had strictly identified left-hand path magic as ‘black’ or ‘evil’ magic whereas right-hand path magic was considered ‘good’.

This is logical and rational. What would be the need in two different paths and differentiating between the two paths, if the practitioner can just practice both sides. Surely there would be no need for highlighting the two paths with differing names if there was no real need for them, and you could dabble between the two paths as and when one liked. It would simply be called ‘the one path of magic’. At least, that is what one would assume.

However, Wikipedia now states ‘not all definitions agree’ implying that left-hand magic could be considered ‘good’ magic. It seems then that there is an intentional merging of the two sides of magic. There may even be an undercurrent of deceit so as to merge the two practices, perhaps even against the will of some practitioners, and I am thinking the ‘right-hand path’ would object more strongly than the left-hand path to this. And of course, this merging will take place via the use of communication and SPELLing. How ironic that magic might mislead and deceive the magicians.

It is particularly interesting observing the timing of this mergence, or at least a pressure of a mergence. At a time when the entire world seems to be merging into one. A one world government, such as the UN, WHO, WEF. A one world religion suggested by the Pope. A one world army via NATO, it could be the case that soon there will be a one world path of magic within the occult world.

Considering the new definition of mergence between the two originally competing paths, along with acknowledging that the Right-hand path of magic revolved around various religions, particularly Abrahamic religions in an effort to reach its goal, would it be incorrect to assume the right-hand path was attempting to create the one world religion as prophesied in the Bible? And if so, and the right-hand path manages to reach its goal of a one world religion, then one can assume the masses (who remain) would likely be ordered to worship a one world God according to Bible prophecy.

Now assuming that to be true and this happens, and assuming the two paths of magic do merge, then surely the left-hand path in a war between the two paths would win? Evil would take over. How? If the left-hand path practitioners believe in self-deity then it seems reasonable to assume a left-hand path practitioner will declare themselves ‘God’. By this point, the right-hand path will have laid the path for the worship of a one world God, they may fall for their own lie. Much like those who convince themselves of the Covid lie.


Politics is motivated in Western society through democracy, whereby the public will vote on a political party to represent them. The party with the majority votes will govern the country. If there is no majority then parties can unite as a coalition. There are often two sides to the political spectrum. There is what is often considered a more ‘liberal’ side and a more ‘conservative’ side.

These parties are often referred to as the ‘left-wing’ and the ‘right-wing’ of politics. It is noteworthy that in mainland Europe, nations tend to have coalitions and in UK their has been a recent coalition between a leftwing and rightwing party government.

The Left-wing political principles

Modern Left-wing politics and principles claim to be based up on fighting discrimination. They fight for the underdog or the outsider with no representation, taking the higher ground. Noone should be left behind principles. They focus on inclusivity and fight for rights of groups they perceive as minorities. These minority groups in modern day society have been although becoming less so about women, those living in poverty and ‘minority ethnic groups’. Other groups and ideals it supports is homosexuality, abortion, transgender rights and something they have murmured for years in the background is support for paedophilia.

Right-wing political principles

Modern Right-wing politics was focused on a Christian and traditional running of society. However, that has more-or-less been eliminated from their political principles now. Right-wing politics appears to be adopting left-wing politics only with the claim that they won’t. However, in the UK, right-wing ‘Conservatives’ legalised gay marriage. While claiming it would put a stop to immigration, it fuelled it, therefore opening the UK to a more likely need to require a one world religion.

I now believe politicians to be nothing more than magicians on a grand stage. The power of their deceit comes in the form of democracy, the illusion of a right to vote for a leader, a government a ruler of the mind, or more simply, how our minds will be controlled. Via the right-hand path or the left-hand path of magic? While people continue to vote, they continue to believe in the magic, the illusion. But as the two political sides unite on many if not all issues now and even form coalition – right/left wing governments, then it will not be worth voting any more. All sides appear to be united and in agreement. All heading towards the same end goal. And hence, we have our one world government.

But is that same merging happening with in the magic circle? And if it is, do these practitioners even know? I would imagine, if true and faithful right-hand path practitioners have worked to annihilate ‘evil’ or ‘bad’ and they are seeing modern discussions within the magic circles claiming that practitioners can be involved in both sides, that might be causing them to panic. Perhaps the right-hand path practitioners are the ones speaking out now for fear of what might come of the world if practitioners start dabbling and entertaining on a regular basis the use of left-hand path magic. Such people can apparently be spotted by their use of symbolism. And there is evidence of this.

But this is all just a theory. What are your thoughts?

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