
Greetings friends of the Community!

Today I am going to talk to you about a herbaceous and climbing plant that is usually rolled up and confused with bush, if it has not been cultivated. In Venezuela we know it as CUNDEAMOR, in other countries it is called BITTER MELON. Most of the time I have found them at the edge of the road or highway where I do my training (hiking). It is necessary to clarify that many in Venezuela call it Cundiamor, but it is a colloquial term.

The plant itself has many healing properties, especially if used as a poultice to reduce inflammation or superficial burns.

Actually, I am interested in telling you about its fruit whose shape is oval and its skin is somewhat rough. Although I have read that it can be eaten green and has a bitter taste, I prefer to eat them when they are ripe.

Whenever I am walking, I am always on the lookout for them, and their bright orange or reddish color tells me that they are ripe. I take it, open it and eat a kind of seeds of an intense red color and I feel that I gain more strength, that activates me. Its flavor is sweet, but not cloying, it's divine!

Researching the reason for this effect, I found out that it is due to the natural glucose it contains and that it is ideal because it also adds beta-carotene to my body. Those who are diabetic should not consume them because it alters the glycemic level.

In addition, the pharmaceutical industry processes the Cundeamor plant and manufactures capsules to prevent constipation. If you want to do it naturally, without chemicals, you can prepare tea or infusions to drink twice a day and facilitate the functioning of our stomach and we can excrete without going to the pharmacy.

A friend alerted me and told me to be careful because this plant is a favorite of snakes and, just thinking about them, I feel my temperature rising. Since then, I check well before going into the bush to look for my delicious Cudeamor fruit.

On the road to the town of Guacamaya, La Victoria, Aragua, Venezuela it is abundant. When I travel along this road my eyes scan the bush until I find the fruit.

In this opportunity, I show you the Cundeamor fruit from El Mirador located between the limits of the Jose Felix Ribas and Tovar Municipalities, in Aragua State, Venezuela, specifically in what used to be the Placivel Hacienda.

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When I have an upcoming event I go from La Victoria to Placivel so that my legs gain strength and my body endurance.

At the same time I am enjoying the spectacular mountain weather, the landscape that surrounds me, the clean and beautiful sky. This is what I call Integral Health.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and that you will know Cundeamor from now on, if you didn't already know him.

Original text and images by @yuruanyr23
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