Green dino fingers and bear feet - planting veggies and a fruit tree

Today, Hypersensitivosaurus decided to work on his green fingers, for a change. It didn't help that his hands were - and had always been - red.

After having been distracted by my writing for quite some time, I felt the itch today to start planting in my temporary ( and possible future ) garden.

I finally unpotted an apple tree - that I bought last November and then positioned in my bathroom for some months to survive the Winter. Today, I planted it in my garden, hoping that its view would inspire it to grow into a marvelous fruit baring tree.

Here's an over the shoulder shot of its sight ( if trees would have had sholders and eyes).


Let's be honest, it's a lot more impressive than the tree itself, right now.

My Jaws socks, gifted to me by my brother and his girlfriend, were allowed to enjoy a similar view, for a couple of hours, while they were hanging out to dry.


Aside from planting an apple tree and washing and drying my socks, I also prepared a little vegetable garden ( uma horta, in Portugese ), were I planted some baby alface (lettuce), alho francês ( french garlic = leek ) and beterraba ( beetroot ).


I am pretty much a planting and gardening virgin, although my twin sister, who lives nearby, has become somewhat of a pro in the last 4 years or so, but today I was really feeling it.

I also feel it's more important now than ever to become ( a little more ) self sufficient and eat healthier.

I decided to go for bare feet style ( not to be confused with bear feet, those are a lot more hairy and darker ) and was greeted by some brambles ( as per usual ), to bring me back to the now.

I also ripped off a huge chunk of one finger nail and I enjoyed all of it.

I felt alive!

Here's another close up of one of my feet, enjoying the live underneath. It also shows the leek, lettuce and beetroot.

Cute little life forms, don't you think?

The weather was awesome today ( not too hot, not too cold, dry and somewhat windy.

I am happy with the spot that I picked ( helped by my twin sister, two days ago ) to grow these edible babies, as there's sun, shadow and a wall on one side to protect the plants from most of the wind. As well as some kind of shelter from the wind on two other sides.

This little veggie garden is also bordering my patio, so right next to my house, which will make it easier for me to water it and I'll be reminded of it on a daily basis.

Here's some more pictures to show the aforementioned. The stone steps on the second photo that follows are located right next to my house, next to the rosemary bush.

And yes, there's rosemary and thyme growing right next to the baby veggies :<)




I know that I could probably have prepared the earth a little better. It was full of grass and roots and I took out a lot but far from all of it but it's an experiment and this felt like what I needed to do.

I also left a couple of baby plants to put in pots. Just to see whether they do better or worse and to not put all my eggs in one metaphorical basket.

I'm looking forward to sharing an update of the growing process in a week ( or two ).

The weather is changing towards more rain and moderate temperatures so perfect for growing.

Nature is happy out here!

Much love and a hug from central Portugal,

Vincent aka Hypersensitivosaurus

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