Golden Shower in a New Avatar!


If you are my regular follower then you would know that I had written a blog about the Golden Shower tree this Saturday.

However, that too was not my first blog about this tree and its flowers, because firstly, flowers of my favourite colour bloom on it and secondly, they look so lovely blooming in bunches and hanging on the tree that you cannot stop yourself from falling in love with them.

This was the matter of loving someone, now comes the matter of living with it. I hope this isn't too poetic! 😄😜

Once again I will say that if you are my follower then you would know how much I love nature and how much I like to grow plants and in that too, plants grown from seeds give me the most happiness and peace of mind.

So ever since I saw flowers on this tree for the first time about a month ago, I dreamed of bringing it to my home. So since then, without reading about it, I kept waiting for days with excitement for seeds to form on this tree.

Then one day I saw a pod about 2 inches long on this tree, I immediately plucked it without thinking much. I was very sure that the seeds would be in it.

Then while walking there I thought let's gather some information about it. And on Google, I discovered that in excitement I had accidentally plucked a newly hatched pod. :(

Then I looked at some more trees and on one tree I saw this very long pod. This pod was about 7 to 8 times larger than the one I had already plucked.

A pod on a tree was torn apart by birds, possibly to eat the seeds. Looking at this pod, I came to know that the seeds in it are placed on a different floor.

Well, leaving that hanging there, I plucked 2 medium size whole pods and brought them with me. Here you can also see their size comparison. Let me tell you these pods are not made of soft skin but they are very very hard.

This is a picture of when I broke a pod in 2 pieces. Here on the left, you can also see a seed. Now the problem was that each seed was on a different floor, and the wall between them was again very hard.

I couldn't even crush it with a hammer or else there would be a possibility of the seeds getting damaged. So with the help of pliers, I scraped it little by little and made a space to take the seeds out from each floor.

And, here you can see a piece of nature's unmatched art. :) It's truly Amazing!

Well, moving forward I took out 6 seeds because that's all I needed right now. And I felt that no matter how hard I try to preserve the seeds, no place could be better than that pod designed by nature itself. Therefore, I took out as many seeds from the pod as I needed.

I had prepared this pot in advance. With the help of my index finger, I made holes about 1 inch deep and put one seed in each.

Covered them with soil, sprinkled some water and placed the pot in a partially shaded area. This day was 17th May!

Then after not so long wait of 9 days, one evening while watering the plants, I saw this...

This is the process that fills me with Hope and Confidence! :)

One of those 6 seeds was ready to come out of the soil. And by the next day, it was about 2 inches above the soil.

Then on another day true leaves appeared on it.

More true leaves!

This is the growth rate from every morning to evening. I find this process so amazing that I watch it every morning and evening. :)

And these are today's pictures of this plant. So far 4 true leaves have grown nicely and some more leaves have also started forming which are expected to come into shape in the next few days.

I know that out of 6 seeds, only one germinated. There may have been some mistake on my part,

But did you notice that After sowing the seeds at a depth of 1 inch, it took 9 days to germinate, since then 9 more days have not yet been completed but this plant has grown about 4 inches above the soil.

This is exactly how our life is. In the soil that suffocating time of the seed shows the struggles of our life. If we remain firm during that time and believe in ourselves, then the journey to success becomes smoother and faster as soon as we come out of the soil.

I hope you liked my style of Gardening! ;)

Thank you for visiting and reading my blog. Generally, I keep writing blogs on life, nature, gardening, food and photography.
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  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. All gifs are created by @irisworld and Me
  3. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

That's all for today.
Have a Happy and Blessed day!

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