Onion Planting Into Coldframe - by Sunscape


It was time to get my onion and cabbage seedlings planted into the large raised bed. I placed my hoops onto the frame and laid out the plastic to cover it.

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I have put one of the new cabbage varieties into the center of the bed. Then in each corner, I put a Red Acre Cabbage. In between the cabbage, I spaced my Spanish Onions about 4" apart. They will be harvested long before the cabbage gets too large.


I still have one section with enough room to throw in some carrots.


I lightly watered in the seedlings and covered the frame with the plastic. This will allow them to settle in and protect them from the cold nights. During the daytime, I open up the ends of the frames to allow good airflow. It also helps them to adapt to being grown outside of the greenhouse.


I have had these clips that hold the plastic in place for years and work wonderfully.


Now that the seedlings are all tucked in, I can get back to potting up some herbs. That will be for another post as I have much to accomplish today. Happy gardening my friends.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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