Mid-October Garden Journal Update - by Sunscape


Fall has officially arrived big time here in western, New York. The skies are filled with billowy gray and white clouds. This week it has rained for three days in a row. Our nights are dipping into the 40s affecting the last of the plants still growing in the gardens. Even the Fall Crocus only lasted two days this season. Usually, I get to enjoy them for about two weeks but not this year.


It is time to pull out most of the vegetable plants from the garden. I have harvested all the tomatoes and the peppers, the brassicas, and the herbs as well.


The Basil is still doing well and I'm letting it continue for another week.


The second planting of Swiss Chard is now coming on strong and I will be enjoying that even after the snow starts falling.


I made a Frittada out of most of these leaves last week and it was so tasty.


This is another round of beets that I planted in late August hoping to get a few more for dinner. My husband loves beet greens fried with onions and red wine vinegar so these will be a nice addition.



I'm happy I planted more zucchini plants for a fall harvest as they are still producing nicely. I think I will get three or four more before the weather turns.


This Cayenne Chile Pepper plant is the last one growing in the garden. I have harvested and #preserved all the rest for this year.


The Ginger I started in the spring has grown to a nice size and I brought that into the house for the winter months. I have yet to research if it would survive our winter temps so I did not want to chance it.


It was time to harvest the last of the potatoes and sweet potatoes in the raised bed. I had one sweet potato that grew eyes and planted it in late spring in the corner of the frame. really wasn't expecting much, but to my surprise here is what transpired.

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Can you believe the size of them? They were the largest sweet potatoes I have ever seen.


The Rosemary plants in the tower garden are growing and doing very well. I cut them back and dried them for future use.



I planted the savory and the marjoram into smaller pots to winter over in the kitchen window. Hopefully, I can keep them going to replant next year.


Some radish seeds have germinated and a few turnips but I don't think there is enough time for that one. The radish will be fine to harvest within two months.


Last but not least, the Bronze Fennel is in flower and going to seed. I have started saving the largest seeds and will use them in some baking recipes this winter. They will be a perfect addition to Christmas Cookies.

Well, that is it for this post on the #October #update from my gardens. Have a wonderful week my friends.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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