Harvesting Garlic, Onion, and Shallots - by Sunscape


Oh my, it has been a very busy week harvesting. I could not be happier with the outcome of this year's harvest.



As you can see, the shallot greens were laying completely flat. Now, I do not know if this is normal for them or if it was due to all the heavy rainfall we have had. This is my first time growing them so I figured it was time to pull a couple to see if they were large enough to harvest.


This was the average size of the bulbs so I decided to pull them all out. I gently washed them off and laid them into trays to dry on the porch for a few days.


I didn't count how many bulbs I got, but, I did get 4 trays drying out after all.
After three days outside I moved them into my little grow room where the air is nice and cool. They are up on racks with a fan running day and night to keep the air circulating. I don't think it will take them too long to dry well. Apparently, it can take up to a month, so time will tell.

Green Onion


This is a Japanese-style onion that I decided to try this year. I believe the name of them was "Ishikura", a bunching onion.


This is the bulk of the green onions that I pulled. I lay them on the lawn and give them a good washing before bringing them inside to process.


After cutting up the green tops and cleaning the bulbs, I chopped them into small pieces and froze them on cooking trays for two days. After that, into the vacuum-sealed bags, they go for later use.

Hard-neck Garlic


Since cutting off all the garlic scapes a few weeks back, which I did make lemon pesto with, the bottom leaves started turning brown. This is a good signal that it is time to harvest the bulbs. With pitchfork in hand, I worked my way down the rows of garlic surrounding the main growing bed. I planted a little over 60 bulbs last November and every single one grew.


One tray full and plenty more to dig up yet. My husband is standing by with the hose to wash all the dirt off the bulbs. It is nice to have a garden helper from time to time.

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I snapped a photo before he cleaned off the first row I had just dug up.

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Since it was getting quite hot out with high humidity I decided that that was enough for one day.



Even when it is too hot in the greenhouse during the summer, it still comes in handy when it is time to dry the garlic bulbs.

This is the first round and it will not take them long to dry. I may even try braiding some of them this year. If I do, I will take a photo to share, lol.

Walla Walla Onion


I can see who will be up next to pull from the garden. The bulbs are starting to really get big now and I am so excited with their progress. I wish I had grown more now that I see how well they are doing. Well, there is always next year, right? That is all for today my friends.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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