Harvesting & Drying Onions - by Sunscape


Ten days ago I decided to pull all the onions out of the raised gardens. The tops were starting to fall over and most of them were big enough for my preference.


I started with the Red Onions and got all of them out to lay out in the sun for a few hours.


Many of them were a decent size but some were still mediocre. I plan on canning them once they are thoroughly dry.


Up next were the Spanish White Onions. I must admit I made a big mistake planting them around the cabbage plants. Due to the enormous leaves from the cabbage, most of the sun was blocking the young seedlings.

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Most of the onions were small compared to the red. Plus, I lost many of them which was disappointing because they were the ones I wanted to store over the winter.


Mika decided that she needed to assist in digging up the onions. She jumped right up into the raised bed and do you think I could catch her. I went around and around after her. She had just come back from the groomers and decided that digging in the dirt was in order.


This was all I got from this year's season. Next year I will have to find a better way to grow them in my limited space to give them a better chance.


All the onions stayed in the sun for three hours to dry.


I put them all into the greenhouse under shade cloth and left the doors open to get good airflow.

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After one week of drying, you can see that the greens are starting to turn brown. It won't be too much longer before I can put them into my storage room.

Also, I will have to find some recipes for the red onions as they will not last too long. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know. Happy gardening everyone.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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