Garden Cleanup / Greenhouse Update / Seed Starting - by Sunscape


It has been a very busy week getting some of the gardens cleaned up, starting seeds, and transplanting seedlings into bigger cells. Springtime keeps me very busy every day, how about you?


With another very warm day, I decided to clean all the fallen leaves out of the little pond with a net. Then it was time to hook up the pump and drain out the yucky water. It takes a bit of energy to get the liner clean and leaves out from around the rocks. Once it was to my satisfaction, I refilled the pond.

I had been wanting to get it cleaned out before the Mallard ducks arrived. I have a pair that come every spring and they enjoy swimming in the pond.

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As usual, my little inspector and gardening companion was supervising the whole process. The following morning my husband saw the ducks in the pond, now that was perfect timing. ;-)


I thinned out my seedlings and planted them into larger cells. These are coleus and impatiens that I did early in the morning. They are now happily in the greenhouse and adapting to the cooler temperatures compared to the grow room.


The petunias are already starting to branch out and I will have to put them up into the hanging baskets this weekend. Once I do that they will really grow fast.

The snapdragons are just emerging which I am happy to see. I have not had any in my gardens for some time and am looking forward to them this year. They prefer cooler weather so they will be perfect for the spring garden.


The onions had to be moved to the floor area as they were a bit too warm on the shelves. They seem much happier now and I will be planting them out into the cold frame early next week.


The eggplant is also ready to be potted up into 4" pots to give them more room to grow. They stay in the greenhouse until the end of April before being planted.


Thankfully, our nighttime temperatures have been warmer than in other years. I have not had to run any heaters until this week when we got to freezing temps.

The plants seem to be doing just fine through it all. During the day I have to open up the vents and run the fan to let hot the hot air. It has been averaging 85-90°F. which is way too warm. It does not take long for it to reach those temps with the sun on it all day.


The buttercrunch lettuce is finally bunching and it won't be long before I pick off some of the outer leaves for lunch.


It was time to start some cabbage seeds and these are now in the grow room where it is nice and warm for germination. As soon as they sprout I will put them into the greenhouse.


All of the tomato seeds got done as well. I decided to try a few new varieties: Super Sauce F1, Speckled Roman, and Wild Galapagos which are not pictured. The black and white cherry I grow every year and love them both.


Lastly, I seeded these for the butterfly and hummingbird garden. I look forward to seeing how well they do for me. I love the soft tones of the Mullein and the Green Twister Coneflower. They should be fun to photograph come summer.

This wraps up this week's post for my garden update. Happy gardening everyone.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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