Feeling Yellow Vibes - by Sunscape


I woke up feeling down for some odd reason this morning. When I sat down to edit some photos I was attracted to the yellow flowers. I suspect the yellow vibes from the flowers are lifting my spirits today.

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The tulips around the pond are blooming and almost done for the season.



The bright yellow stands out against the shadow of the porch and the pavers.


I also think they look lovely next to the blue globe.


I brought all the hanging baskets out of the greenhouse and hung them in their perspective places for the summer. The Oriels and the Hummingbirds have arrived and are using the feeders.


This lime-green Zinnia is very sweet with its tiny blossom. I managed to plant all the flowers in the butterfly garden this week. I can't wait to see all the plants blooming. I am hoping for a colorful display to enjoy this year.


Even the yellow buds on the tree against the bright blue sky are striking. There is something about spring and the bursting of new life to get one's spirit in a good place.


I even enjoyed all the dandelions popping up all over the lawn. If you follow me you know I made
"Dandelion Syrup" this week with the blossoms.

I hope you enjoyed the yellow vibes from the flowers today and may you have a wonderful week ahead.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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