Starting a garden Post #28


Welcome to my Starting a garden Post #28 🌱 🙂 Fall has arrived in Vermont.


Frost on the grass this morning.

Pumpkin vines

As lovely and fall-like as they are on the vine...

Pumpkins and squash

We brought in the last of the pumpkins and squash.

Onions and garlic

Plus a couple of onions and a garlic.


Now for the sad task of the day...

Bed cleared

We started clearing more of the beds. This bed had pumpkins, squash and tomatoes.

Last tomatoes

Next up - Tomatoes and peppers bed before clearing.

All but peppers

All the tomatoes out. Only peppers left.

Moving day

We decided to try and move some of the peppers indoors for the winter.

Indoor Peppers

We took one jalapeno pepper, one bell pepper and one sweet pepper. Not sure about the plan for the winter yet. But at least they are out of the cold.

Root bound tomato pot

We also emptied out the tomato pots. They were all root bound. A few even put roots out through the bottom of the pot into the ground like this one. We knew the pots were a bit small but didn't realize they were this cramped 😅

Green tomatoes

We saved some of the green tomatoes. Going to try some green tomato salsa.

Blueberry mulch

Since we were in winterizing mode, we mulched the blueberries. They were new this spring so this will be their first winter.

Raspberries mulch

Also mulched the rasperries.


Next we moved on to the fruit trees.

Clean and mulched

We cleaned up the grass around the fence and added fresh mulch.

Fresh mulch

The fruit trees all look much better. Hopefully they will come back gangbusters next year 🤞


The end of a beautiful day 😃 Nothing as satisfying as a super productive day in the garden. Have a great week!

Bonus pics:

Dock out.JPG

Signs of fall at the lake. This is the photo of the dock I always take... dock out, only the boat lift left behind.

Colors preview.JPG

And fall colors are starting... more to come 😍

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