SkyBuds Organic Grow Room Living Soil Experiment Season 1 #90 Season 2 #1 Fresh Start

With the new season of grow going with the autoflowers, I have now decided to take a little different approach to the posts. I am planning to give far less information on the plants and kist share and a few words about the video and add in some photos.

I am hoping to draw more views to my videos and in the end hopefully more comments. So this episode I turn the key and start the #autoflower only grow, This will be a 2-4 run with hopefully a few more autos going in while these 3-4? finish.

You can view much more about the plants and equipment I use below, To find more about the episode and what I have done go watch it.

Photos and Equipment

Plant 1

Growing medium: No-Till Living Organic Super soil
Growing Nutrients: Earth Worth Castings, Compost Tea, Kelp, Barley, Rocks Dusts,
Strain Name: Black Sugar
Strain Type: Autoflower Fem
Strain Breeder:
Lights: SF 1000
Fans: VIVOSUN 8 MM Exhaust, VIVOSUN 8MM Tent Poll Fan x2
Tent: Green Horticulture
Watering: Tea Clean Molasses

Plant 2

Growing medium: No-Till Living Organic Super soil
Growing Nutrients: Earth Worth Castings, Compost Tea, Kelp, Barley, Rocks Dusts,
Strain Name: Cookie Monster
Strain Type: Autoflower Fem
Strain Breeder:
Lights: SF 1000
Fans: VIVOSUN 8 MM Exhaust, VIVOSUN 8MM Tent Poll Fan x2
Tent: Green Horticulture
Watering: Tea Clean Molasses

Plant 3

Growing medium: No-Till Living Organic Super soil
Growing Nutrients: Earth Worth Castings, Compost Tea, Kelp, Barley, Rocks Dusts,
Strain Name: Road Runner
Strain Type: Autoflower Fem
Strain Breeder:
Lights: SF 1000
Fans: VIVOSUN 8 MM Exhaust, VIVOSUN 8MM Tent Poll Fan x2
Tent: Green Horticulture
Watering: Tea Clean Molasses

Plant 4

Growing medium: No-Till Living Organic Super soil
Growing Nutrients: Earth Worth Castings, Compost Tea, Kelp, Barley, Rocks Dusts,
Strain Name: Northern Lights
Strain Type: Autoflower Fem
Strain Breeder:
Lights: SF 1000
Fans: VIVOSUN 8 MM Exhaust, VIVOSUN 8MM Tent Poll Fan x2
Tent: Green Horticulture
Watering: Tea Clean Molasses


Growing medium: No-Till Living Organic Super soil
Growing Nutrients: Earth Worth Castings, Compost Tea, Kelp, Barley, Rocks Dusts,
Strain Name:
Strain Type:
Strain Breeder:
Lights: SF 1000
Fans: VIVOSUN 8 MM Exhaust, VIVOSUN 8MM Tent Poll Fan x2
Tent: Green Horticulture
Watering: Tea Clean Molasses

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