The Captivating Sight and Groups of Flowers at PMVIC Danao Branch

When you love gardening, anything you see about gardens will make your heart leaps for joy, and you will easily be attracted to the different plants and flowers wherever you go. Last Friday, I was not around for school because I had to attend the renewal of my motorcycle registration at the LTO-Danao Office.

Before I have the registration renewal, I need to get an emission test for my motorcycle. Since I didn't have any new emission results yet, I decided to make my absence worthwhile, I will get an emission test at the PMVIC Danao including the motorcycle insurance, and afterward, I need to walk in the registration renewal of my motorcycle at LTO- Danao City Cebu.

At exactly, 6:00 in the morning, I was traveling to Danao City Cebu to have my motorcycle registration renewed. I need to travel early so that I will be included in the list of walk-in persons who will be catered for the day.

Gladly, I arrived at the PMVIC Office around 7:00 am. And because I arrive earlier than their opening time, somebody from the staff told me I should wait at the waiting station so that I will be catered to immediately if the staff will be coming in already. So while waiting for my turn, my eyes get attracted to the beautiful flowers planted around the PMVIC Office.

The flowers were arranged very well. Everywhere I look, I was hypnotized by the beauty of the flowers that surrounds the place. And because I had enough time, I took the chance and roam around the place.

The waiting station...
As you can see, in the waiting station, a lot of philodendron family, the prince of orange flowers will be seen. Bigger sizes with radiating colors were arranged in front.

Staying here will not get you bored, while it’s not yet your turn, you can roam around the place full of different varieties of plants arranged beautifully which will surely get your attention. Seems like the staff here took care of the plants very well to grow them beautifully like this.

The spacious ground…
The place is spacious, yet every little space was occupied with a lot of different varieties of plants.

The owner of the plants making his rounds every day, both couples are senior citizens who loves taking care of the flowers.

The beautiful San Francisco flowers radiating its colorful leaves near the foot path.

In the shady area, you can see another plant being placed so that it will not get burned if there’s too much heat from the sun.

In shady areas, fully grown Brazilian Selloum, Wave of love, healthy Gloriosum plants were being placed. This proves how the owners love to attend to the needs of the plants. As you can see, the fully grown green-colored plants are very much healthy.

Some are just placed outside where there are fewer shades. I believe the owner of these plants loves these flowers so much because they had enough time to put the same breed of flowers in the same area and it’s more appealing to look at.

You can also see a red and silver caladium variety of plants. It's very colorful to look at. At the center, you can see the variegated golden alocasia plants. The combination of the two plants makes it more appealing to the eyes of the viewers.

The different corners...
Every corner you will go, plants were being placed. Even comfort room corners which we believe are untidy to go to because of their awful smell look different here. Who would not love to see this aglaonema variety of flowers radiating their beautiful colors near the comfort rooms? Seeing these beautiful plants near the comfort rooms makes me return to this area. My heart leaps with joy seeing this red suksom and pink-colored aglaonema plants.

You can also see the white legs aglaonema plants nearby. Because of its good temperature and moderate sunshine in the area, the leaves radiates gracefully.

Some aglaonema plants should also be placed in a shady area to avoid the leaves not being burned from too much heat and to avoid the leaves making them too dull to look at.

The different varieties of flowers were arranged accordingly. This full-bloom peace lily is arranged near the insurance office. On the adjacent area is the radiating color of yellow pandanus plants which makes it more attractive to all the passers in the place.

The cute little gardener’s house...
In the middle area, while I was roaming around, I saw this cute little gardener’s house. The place is full of little cute things for gardeners. And I also see tiny seedlings of waves of love placed inside the seed boxes.

While making the most of my time roaming around the place, this attracted yellow plants catches my attention. It was in full bloom. A lot of beautiful yellow flowers could be seen on the body parts of the plant. I don't know its name but it’s very attractive. It looks like a cute giraffe head.

After roaming around the place, it's my turn to have my emission test for my motorcycle. Right after the release of my emission test, I get insurance at the same venue. Afterward, I immediately went to LTO Danao Office to be included in the list of walk-in persons for the day.


I am overwhelmed by what I witnessed today. The beauty of the plants around PMVIC Office, the yellow plants, and the different varieties of philodendron and aglaonema plants around are just too beautiful not to express to anyone.

Sometimes it's nice to walk away from what we are used to and witness the beauty around us and not focus on what bothers us.

If we are stuck and preoccupied with the problems in life we tend to panic and feel like it’s the end of the world, there's no room for change. But the truth is, we focus on a single dot in a circle, not the circle itself where there is a big space to grow and solve our problems. We just need to get out and enjoy the things around us and reflect on it.

That's all for today Hive friends. This is my entry to Hive Garden Community's monthly garden challenge for July, 2023. Please come show off your gardens! @melit79 @missjoycee

Have a nice day everyone!

Thank you for taking the time to read and upvote my blog. Keep safe everyone. See you on my next blog.

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