New greenhouse gets its first test with sub zero temperatures, plus general update from the home & garden 🌱


Following on from my last post in which I described the construction of this solar/compost greenhouse I am excited to tell you about how it fared on its first test which followed directly after the day of completion, despite the weather 'forecast' telling me I had another week.

It rained a little just as I was finishing and I can't really call it a real test but I can say that my cover seemed to work, keeping the water from going inside. In the morning I was greeted by this rainbow and had a strange feeling like it was there exclusively for me.
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It was a double rainbow in fact. A real beauty.

Even stranger that a few days earlier I had been learning about rainbows from Amanda Lorence in this video who suggests amongst other things that every rainbow is in fact a full circle, with only one half visible above the ground.
Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 06.04.21.png

Certainly I have noticed how they seem to extend from the sky across the land itself and even on my walk home that day the double rainbow was still there, providing evidence of this.

Coming back to the garden and that unexpectedly cold morning I wanted to mention that our local weather forecasters have been TERRIBLE this year at predicting when we will get rain and now that winter is upon us, when we can expect frosts. Two things which agriculture obviously relies on! But no worries. Who needs reliable agriculture right?

So the forecast had indicated 6Β°C the previous night, yet the air felt extremely cold this morning and I could see this wonderful ice pattern on the surface of my watering can, which seems very much like a below zero event to me.

Excited to see what temperature it was in the greenhouse I ignored the cold cats and potentially frost damaged plants, opening it up to have a look.

As you can see it was 14Β°C in there. And this was at 9.30am!

I imagine it would have been a lot warmer in there at 10pm the previous night while the stones still held the heat of the day.

Just to check I wasn't going mad with the outside temperature I put the thermometer on the ground for 10mins and checked it again.

As one would expect it was around zero.

Sabrina confirmed for me later that -6Β°C was in fact recorded not far from here during the night, so potentially I was able to increase the temperature in my box by a full 20Β°C!

Not too bad considering it is nothing more than stones, mud, bamboo, cling film and compost.

I waited for the sun to crack over the mountain and gave thanks in my usual way. Just like the electroculture antenna you can see here, when I sungaze I become a transmitter & receiver of a type of energy which has many names (my favourite being Love & Light), inviting it to shine deep into every cell of my physical body, before sending it back out through my heart chakra to the world around me.

Once 'fully charged' I headed out to see how the frost had affected everything which wasn't in the greenhouse.

This is my coriander bed, looking well and truly frosted.

Frosted spinach.

Frosted lettuce & beetroot.

Thankfully all of these plants will survive the winter and there is no part of the year in which I stop eating salad.

Quick point on this, if a plant grows all year round, it means we should eat it all year round. The French are terrible at this and no one wants my salad outside of the summer months. Which is one of the many reasons why they are all so unhealthy! This and the fact they don't eat salad as a main course here. Green is the predominant colour in nature so it should in my opinion be the predominant colour in our diet all year round.

Not sure how much longer this lemongrass can take the cold but for now it is still going strong.

The pyramid has made the plant massive (double the size it was last year) and if anyone has any ideas what we can do with all this lemongrass I would be very open to them.

Can one freeze them I wonder?

Needless to say, everything around the pyramid is growing extremely well. Cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, sorrel, parsley, chives & calendula here in the 'west bed'.

To clarify with the 'west bed' thing, I can see patterns emerging in this garden indicating that some plants will not enjoy being south of the pyramid, while they may enjoy being north of it. So one must be observant and ready to act instinctively, creating zones at each of the cardinal points. Anything growing in alignment with the corners will generally benefit.

Getting back to my greenhouse I decided to empty it out and let the sun really heat up those stones at the back.

I jumped in and enjoyed the opportunity to close my eyes for half an hour. The compost is warm and comfortable and with a 'pillow' behind my head like this it is easy to fall asleep.

I understand now there is a wonderful healing energy inside this hole and you don't need a medical condition to benefit from spending time in here. Particularly at this time of year when the days are still getting shorter and the winter solstice approaches, many of us will be experiencing the effects of light depravation. So if you want maximum energy and a healthy circadian rhythm you absolutely must seek out that extra light. And I am not talking about buying some special light bulb which replaces the sun. Just get outside! Even if it is cloudy you will receive benefits and feel better for having done it.

Later that afternoon I measured the temperature in the box and it was 26Β°C in the shade! Ten degrees warmer than outside the box in the shade.

This is why I call it a hot box!

The stones behind my head are not just warm by 3pm, they are hot. And it is at this time of day I generally close the lid. Obviously if there is no sun I will leave it shut all day and the compost can do the heating.

Next up I erected my latest antenna, this one designed specifically for the hot box area.

It was inspired by the bush behind the box which has the same kind of explosion-like seed formations.

Some people say these antenna can change the weather so I always observe the sky in moments like this and was quite taken back by the blocky yet puffy clouds which formed shortly after erecting it.

There was indeed something about them which seemed different from usual.

At the base of the antenna (where the energy is strongest) I started to prepare a circular bed. Am thinking onion and garlic in here.

Ultimately I intend to keep on expanding into all this empty space behind the antenna.

As described in this post.
spiral garden.jpg

I added a few baby artichokes to my hot box and closed it up to keep some heat for the night.

Then I picked this lot and headed over to the pyramid garden.

Here I have a long row of physalis at the back which needed harvesting.

They originate from Peru and will produce late into the season but frosts do normally kill them overnight, so it would seem that being north of a pyramid has protected them.

Crazy good this fruit. You can feel the energy they give you instantly if you eat them on an empty stomach.

Radish to the south of the pyramid also looking good still despite the frost.

I have been investigating electroculture for exactly one year now and these various different devices you can see around the garden are the culmination of many experiments.

Here is my bees wax/iron earth pipe pyramid which is currently in a carrot/beetroot/mustard/dill bed.

This one is a sandpaper/wooden round tower which still appears to be having a good effect on the rocket.

The leeks have done well due to an antenna and that small basalt tower you can see in the background, with a basalt pyramid on top.

The peppers however did not fare so well with the frost.

Tomatoes dead.

Turmeric dead.

Ashwaganda dead.

And by dead I mean their annual life-cycle has been joyously completed and it is time for harvest!

Here is some ashwaganda root ready for cutting up into small pieces.

It is without doubt my favourite root for making tea. The smell so sweet and strong when it is fresh like this. Like a horse according to this book, though I'm not so sure about that.

I also learned in this book (The Yoga of Herbs) that the most effective way to drink it is with a decoction, a process which takes several hours and not at all like making a regular herbal infusion.

Looking forward to trying it this way. If it is good I will prepare a new batch every three days over the course of the winter season.

On my way home that evening I noticed how the acorns are all collecting here outside our house in the canal.

The oak trees were planted above this canal with intention, but alas the people here have forgotten what that intention was.

After spending a month sitting in this water, acorns are cleaned of the bitter tannins which make them inedible.

All one has to do now is collect them, peel them, dry them and use as a superfood, as described in this post.

I would have taken some except that I have a load already, collected a few years ago when I first learned about the awesome power of acorns. If they stay dry, as mine have done, their tannins will preserve their nutrients for at least a decade, which is why I collected so many and stored them away for the future.

I was particularly excited by their ability to supplement or even replace conventional flour altogether. The loaf on the left was made with acorn flour and tasted great. And most importantly, the children ate it!

I had harvested some catnip that day (thanks for the seeds mum!) and the cat known as baby cat was quick to position himself next to it.

He has never experienced catnip before so he put on quite a performance, refusing to remove his dribbling mouth from the herbs.

Esteban has never seen a cat high on catnip before, so this was a good moment for him too ;)

My intention is to dry the catnip and make powder with it, providing plenty of fun for all the family this winter.

Now that I have rested a few days since the construction of the hot box I have started a production phase which will continue until Christmas. Lots of wonderful stuff going on.

Crystals and new pyramid molds have arrived so that my family can join me by making orgonite pyramids. Something all of us enjoy doing.

This recent creation is called an Acu-Vac, designed by Slim Spurling as a healing tool with a positive and negative end. One end for sucking out undesirable frequencies, the other for putting back in desirable ones. Mine has two single terminated quartz crystals in there facing opposite directions, both of which are pre-programmed with specific intentions.

I used it in advance of my last BQH session and it appeared to prevent the tooth pain which I had come to associate with this type of practice. Which is great! On that note, my last session was a surrogate session and my goal was to help my step father with the effects of Parkinsons. Am pretty amazed to learn that I could even do this as a job, getting paid by others to roam the astral realms on their behalf. Certainly I have seen enough evidence now to know this is an authentic mechanism for helping others and ourselves in a way which goes beyond the physical. Letting go of all the mental blocks to a seamless experience with this is the tricky bit.

If any of you want to get your hands on one of my devices, please leave me a message here and I will connect with you in the next few weeks for a chat.

Admittedly there is no website yet but this will be created in the new year.

I've not forgotten about your request @kriszrokk so let's work out a good moment to chat next week.

Nor have I forgotten about @drrune and his wonderful reading for Esteban & I which has led to so many changes for him. He talks to trees regularly now and blesses his water every time before drinking. Your tensor ring set are on their way buddy πŸ™

If there is anyone I have forgotten about, do please remind me.

Final thoughts

It has been a crazy kind of week so far helping a friend for the last two days moving out of her home back to England.

Last night there was a power cut at exactly 4.30am which led me to get out of bed half an hour earlier than usual.

I went outside to check on the moon which is still very full and was greeted by the perfect ending to this post.

A full circle of perfection.

The last time I saw one of these was in March 2020, just as the covid pantomime was heating up and it looked much the same as this one.

I wrote a dedicated post on this subject at the time and reading through my words now I am happy to be reminded of this in particular:

"Rainbow Around The Moon: Spiritual Meaning
A sign from the angels – when you see a rainbow around the moon or the sun, it is a sign that the Celestial Beings are around you. If you tried to contact them, then it is their response to your call. The rainbows are messages of encouragement from the celestial world. They encourage you to continue your path. And the angels want you to know that they guide you through the difficulties." source

Indeed I had asked a few days ago for a sign from my Higher Guides, just to reassure me they are here. So now it would seem I have it. Crazy how something I wrote in 2020 connects so clearly with something happening now.

I love this too:

"A symbol of hope – the rainbow around the moon is a symbol of hope and faith. The appearance of a rainbow in the darkness is mysterious and powerful. And it is a message that even in the darkest situations, there is a little hope shining through. It is an encouraging message to never give up. And to have faith that everything will be alright."

My deeper wisdom tells me it signifies change too. Just as it did back in March 2020. No coincidence that it coincided with a power cut which lasted most of the day and Esteban woke in the morning with a dream for me (we always record our family dreams now) which described multiple meteors falling from the sky. Importantly, he was also able last night to recognise he was in a dream without waking up.

This is actually the second time he has been able to do this. On the first occasion, knowing he was in a dream he decided to fly to Paris and buy a Nintendo Switch. Bless him. On his way to the city, while he was over lush green mountains and fields he said he saw me flying behind him. This was super weird because I had done a BQH session the previous day in which I had seen myself flying over lush green mountains & fields. So it would seem he is able to penetrate my sessions in his dream state.

Last night, when he realised he was in a dream for the second time, instead of focusing on personal gain (the Nintendo) he decided to quickly fly around and stop the meteors from hitting Earth. So that's good!

I do have other news about two frequency healing devices which have been ordered for Christmas, along with a free app I want to tell you about (Z-app) but will leave this for a dedicated post I think, a continuation of my frequency device series.

All in all am very happy with the way this winter season is playing out so far and I look forward now to the coldest period of the year which will force me to stay warm inside where I will be able to write more posts. For one thing I have around 100 books I would like to post in the @survival-archive account!

Love & Light everyone 🌱


Lemongrass curry fish with homegrown carrots & salad.

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