A Place Filled With Dazzling and Eye-Catching Plants: To Decorate Every Corner of Our Home with Different Kinds of Plants, Flowers, and Trees is My Dream, Just Like This


A home surrounded by tall trees, colorful and bright flowers, different plants, and a garden full of these, where you can witness them bloom just inside your room and while watching it from your room window. Isn't that a perfect home? With all that, not only will it make your home more lively, but it will also help the people in that home to always feel better and at ease. And that's my dream home. How about you? Ah, I just thought of this recently. I also want a rooftop in my home, and I will fill it with lots of different plants and flowers. That would be the most beautiful safe haven of mine where I can work, hang out, or, when I just want to think of something, I'll just stay there.

It's so easy to dream, but for sure, achieving this will be too hard. And first, I need to buy my own lot too if I want my dream home to be built. And oh, I get this idea when instead of plastic chairs, I will just use some old tires, just like in the photo above, and customize it and build something like that. Pretty, isn't it? But instead of pink, I want mine blue, which is the color of the sky. And by the way, this photo here is from my former school, where I take primary school. I told you guys before that our old school is now more like a home than a school. And whoever thinks of this idea is just a genius. I love it so much!

Anyway, I am not even sure when I will be able to achieve that dream of mine, but I sure hope that it will happen soon (人 •͈ᴗ•͈). Oh, and speaking of former school, this was taken too in there. Look at those beautiful flowers, so ready to mesmerize everyone with their beauty and color. I just noticed that when we last visited there, no one was stopping to look and check out their beauty. I mean, aren't they too pretty to be ignored? Well, I guess some people are not that surprised, or this is nothing new anymore to them, but this is really the first thing I noticed when I visited there.

And I am not sure who's maintaining these plants, but if it's the same during our time, then it's the students who do that too. Every classroom has these groups that will be assigned to maintain them, from watering them to cleaning them. Of course, they change the assigned group weekly, some have volunteered too. I'm not sure if those who volunteer really want that role or if they are just trying to, you know, make a good impression on the teacher. We had those kinds of kids during our time, lol. Sipsip malala (≧▽≦).

Left and right, your eyes will be greeted with these bright and colorful flowers. And when you walk into the pathway leading to each room, it's like you are walking into a paradise that is filled with beauty.

Hmmm, having a small bamboo tree is actually pretty elegant. They have that pretty vibe in them that gives this really unique expression in one place. It's not bad, right? But doesn't it feel like having a bamboo tree is like asking for a snake to live in it? I feel like snakes will start to live if we have that in the garden, or is it just a bad thought? Lol. But seeing how the school has this in their yard, is it safe to assume that no snake can live in there? Have you ever seen a bamboo tree with a snake living in it?

So here's the plant in the garden, they have this spot where they were purposely put in there to design the front of the classroom. So it is also located on the pathway that everyone takes. Walking in there surely gave those people a certain feeling, but only if they could appreciate the beauty of plants and flowers. And you can even sit between those plants and be one with nature. Amazing no? Ehe.

Anyway, here's the last batch. I truly enjoyed their vibrant color while taking a walk here. And that's what I want to feel too when I have a walk in our home. Those gorgeous plants that's like cheering you on during those sad moments. Even though we have plants at home, it's really hard to grow them on our land because of our pets, especially the chickens. They are the number one plant and flower destroyers at home.

Let me share my mom's money tree, this too got almost destroyed by our chicken pet, Moymoy. It happened, like last month. Mama ranted to me when it happened, and she sounded really annoyed that time. You can still see the mark here, but the good thing is that the other plant started to sprout again. While she was able to save the other one by putting it in a higher place, Hopefully, Moymoy won't discover this spot again, just to destroy it. And that's the reason why we can't grow a lot of plants and flowers at home. They will really look good if you plant them neatly in the ground, like lining them up prettily in there. But this idea is a no, no, for now though.

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