Hive Garden Bi Weekly Comment Challenge: Win Hive

Welcome to the once a fortnight aka biweekly comment challenge! It's my favourite time of the fortnight, where we get to have a fun conversation and learn a lot about each other. This week, given my grandson's birth, the theme is FAMILY.


It could be a memory of your family home and the garden there, or it could be how the whole family join in the garden experience. It could be learning from family, visiting a family member's garden, educating your children on gardening and plants, or even feeding your family.
Maybe your son hates gardening or your husband wouldn't know a rake if it hit him in the face You can interpret the theme in anyway you like!

Please make sure:

  • you come back and engage with others through the week
  • you share a photo if you can
  • your comment is at least 50 words long - make it worth it
  • you CAN share a post if you like, but make sure you summarise that post as a comment so it's easy for others to come back to.

You'll also get upvotes from me and Hive Garden, relative to effort and fulfilling requirements.

Last week's winners with 5 Hive is @dora381. Congrats!!! I award up to 10 Hive, sometimes less, depending on my wallet and how many people join in.

@plantstoplanks @sofs-su @nikv @owasco @buckaroobaby @farm-mom @thebigsweed @polesinns @andrastia @holisticmom @queenoftheworld @porters @amygoodrich @fanyokami @phoenixwren @anafae @tanjakolader @yolithy24 @andrastia @minismallholding @goldenoakfarm @nateonsteemit @sanjeevm @kennyroy @simplymike @dodovietnam @babeltrips @trangbaby @kaelci @shanibeer @proto26 @ifarmgirl @foxfireorchards @artemislives @edprivat @meesterboom @momogrow @attn @luckylaica @blingit @traisto @skylinebuds @fotostef @tydynrain @hindavi @vibeof100monkeys @samstonehill @anttn @friendlymoose

With Love,


My Post.jpg


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