My plant in front of the house

The front of the house is the most popular place for a garden in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Many people have used it for their vegetable gardens, as tomato and pepper plants are generally easier to grow than other crops because of the special requirements of the sun and temperature, which will provide them with an appropriate environment.

The red peppers and green peppers I planted on the roof of this house are beautiful, even though I only have a small area to plant, but I try to grow them optimally. Now this chili plant has started to color from green to red as you can see below...

In an effort to reduce costs for me by using a makeshift land.. Only with the land in front of the house. so my family can live in style without sacrificing quality.

The cabbage plant I grew from this material used an aqua bottle I used as a culture medium for kale.

I’ve been planting this kale in about the second week since today, Which means it’s been 2 weeks since I planted it from seeds to grow as it is now...and I’m ready to cut it with scissors to get ready to eat vegetables today...

After the cut, I leave the kale like this... because it will grow again in the next 2 weeks.. So I don’t have to worry about its growth.. because this plant is not too difficult to grow and develop... because it only needs water every day. It gave me a lot of time to experiment.

In addition to planting kale in the last few weeks, we also planted tomatoes in the yard with waste water and used soil... in front of the house where the soil is narrow for cultivation, but I still plant kale. The problem is that if I plant tomatoes in 2 weeks, there is no result, even if the tomato leaves have started to turn green, but there is no sign of tomatoes bearing fruit.. So I think this kale plant is even more successful right now... But it does not exclude the possibility of tomato plants in the coming months, I think it will certainly bear fruit...! I hope it will definitely work, because the season is good. Short enough, so not too many weeds, and we got the suburban growth we were hoping for. So far my husband and I are preparing for a longer season with dazzling colors!

My first message in this community is about kale plants that are ready to be harvested for home consumption as a test because they have grown on the terrace of the house, I have planted them and grown them well. Stay green and healthy even if it rains and is hot. Now, there are other plants like tomatoes and peppers that are ready to be harvested when they are ripe, this time I am ready to harvest kale, while tomato plants cannot be harvested because they have not yet produced fruit, even though the grass has started to green.! So I’m going to harvest kale and peppers today.

My friends advised me to try the crop myself, but if we see a lot or all the vegetables, I think everyone will want to help me cut them into pieces for salads, etc. How do I know where to cut the vegetables? It may take a few days to get an accurate picture because everything is growing everywhere (and sometimes daily)

Here’s the chili and kale I’m ready to harvest this week. I cut the kale and put it in a small pot until the chili plants I cut. But I still hold the red chili with my left hand that I show below!

What about HiveGarden community friends...! Do you like it? I hope you like it and I'm happy to share my plant experience with all of you. Please help me grow more plants by sharing this poll and thanks for visiting.

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