Sesame's plants near to ripening

Hello everyone hive garden friends. Greetings to all of this wonderful community users. Dear today I am sharing my first post into this community. Gardening is my hobby from childhood days when I was just 6 years old I was searched different plants, herbs and shurbs, and greenery fields anywhere inside and outside my house. If plants are available into my house then I take its full care at daily basis. I was liked apple plants most. I collected various seeds of plants for growing small garden into my house. But unfortunately that plants would not convert into garden.

Anyway today I made a program for visiting to my sesame crops fields. Look these are all sesame plants which have grown well. My father is a farmer. Now this season once again he grown sesame crop. Now this is near to end stage of its ripening.
This is cultivated in July. Cultivation process is very easy. After ploughing seeds are thrown into the land. Just little attention is required for it's ripening. No giving pesticide spray. No giving water over a month. It ripes by rain water mostly.

Now you can see it has ripped. All sesame plants are covered into a pea like shape things we called it Phali around it's stem. Mostly plants green colors have been converting into yellow. Many seeds are inside the into Phali. My father says that after 5 days we will harvest these sesame plants.

We do as my father think about it. I shall also participate for harvesting with family. I hope this year we shall get well yields. We sale sesame's yields. But few amount of sesame's seeds shall keep to house for eating. If seeds and few amount of sugar mixed then it is eatable as a food.
Thanks all dear coming to my blog. I hope you enjoyed my post. Take care and be happy with family. Goodbye

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