🌶️ Let's grow scotch bonnet for home consumption 🌶️

Hi Hive Garden Community friends. Welcome to my new post.

So, how are you? I hope all are well.
It is after a long time that I am publishing a post in the hive garden community. I had to wait many days to publish this post. Because I wanted to speak from the beginning of the schoch bonet plant. Because it takes a while from seed time to planting time. I took a little time for this post.

This is not a cultivation done by me along. for the first cultivation we spent money and bought the plants. These plants were bred from the seeds obtained from those plants. so , My father and mother worked hard for this.

so let's see about my scotch bonnet cultivation

Among the people who lived in Sri Lanka in the past, foods such as jackfruit and manioc took an important place among the foods they got.They boiled such food and took it for food.

So they used these type of spicy chilies to make such food tasty. Even today manioc is boiled and eaten with schoch bonet Sambol. Yes, that recipe is really delicious.

So I presented the matter to you to point out that this scotch bonnet has been in Sri Lanka since ancient times.

These are known as Nai Miris in Sinhala and Scotch Bonnet in English. There are several varieties of schoch bonet that have been identified in this country and they are different in color and shape.

The flower color of Scotch Bonnet is a small white flower. First the flower appears and then the spikes begin to grow.This scotch bonnet consists of different colors of light green, dark green, orange, red, purple, white, purple and white mixed.

These are cultivated in homes for home consumption and for export on a large scale. Nowadays, there is a high demand in the market, so many people are inclined to grow this scotch bonnet. Actually, this scotch bonnet chili is more expensive than the green chili here. Also, we earn a high income from this Scotch Bonnet cultivation.

Due to the beautiful color of this chili, it can be planted for home decoration. Below are some photos of plants planted in pots at our house.These chilies have a good flavor and spice, so they can flavor and improve the taste of various foods.

How to plant

Here are some of the harvest obtained from the scotch bonnet plantation planted at our house. I use the seeds in these red ripe pods to breed plants. To get seeds, we need to get seeds from a plant that gives good harvest .

First, take out the seeds inside the pods and wash them with salt water and dry them.

In this way, mix normal soil or compost fertilizer and fill it in a container and add some water. After that, plant the seeds from place to place.

Keep the pot planted like that in a shaded area. After about five days, you can see how little plants have emerged like this.

After about five to six weeks, you can see plants with only four to five leaves. The good plants should be removed slowly and planted.

We prepared beds like this together and planted those small plants. Also, they were planted in pots in the same way. We did not use any special fertilizer for this. Good water supply is necessary. It also needs normal sunlight.

I think this scotch bonnet cultivation can be done very successfully using organic fertilizers without using chemical fertilizers. Also, take a good look at the photos I have posted. We have used charcoal and ash powder for these soils. We are doing this to protect this scotch bonnet from insects.

We did not use any special type of soil for planting. Because there is very fertile soil around our house. So, without much effort, any vegetable can be grown well.Watering is done well during periods of slightly dry weather.

These photos show insect damage to Scotch bonnets. This kind of insect damage happens more often. So you can do some natural treatments without using chemical insecticides.

01. Plant marigold plants in the middle between your plantings. And the petals of those flowers can be mixed with water and sprayed on the plants.

02. Mint leaves can be crushed and placed around the plants.

03. Ash powder can be sprayed.

04. Also you can plant mint plants with your crops.

In fact, scotch bonnets and green chilies are mostly damaged by mites. So try these methods for such damages. That will give you results.

These are Bird's eye chilies

We say Kochchi miris in Sinhala. Bird's eye chilies in English.so , This type of chilies also grown in the same way as I mentioned above.

So if you can, do this kind of cultivation for consumption at home. That way you can earn income. You can use these chilies to make your food delicious. So try it. If you like this post, share it with other friends. Thank you very much to everyone who came to see my post.

☘️ Many thanks to the @Hivegarden community. have a good day .☘️

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