You Owns My Daydream too

Hello beautiful people of Hive. I hope you all are doing well and having a good day.

Today was a shiny, sunny and bright day for me until the dark stormy clouds decided to possess the whole sky with their heavy grip. As it was a beautiful and cheerful day to enjoy not only for me but also for the other creations of nature. The birds were twittering as loud as possible, the insects were doing shrill buzz and of course the dark clouds were planning to pour heavily. I could feel that they were having a holiday sadly I was the only one who had to work for her little babies.

Here is the proof of today's sudden and heavy raining.

At 7.45pm, I chose to work over sleeping like a lazy dog as I knew today I have to take care my little babies and their beloved home, my dream garden. I'm a plantita since my birth, it's in my blood as my mother is the die hearted lover and cherisher of plants so as genetically I got the passion of gardening from my mom. Though I'm not into fruit or vegetable gardening like my mother , I'm a adorer of flowers maybe this is why my mom gave a little flower garden as a birthday gift which is located in our backyard. Can you believe me??? My mom gave me a flower garden as a birthday gift... My mom is very weird just like me or I got this weirdness from my mom I don't know. Let's put my flower garden amd this unnecessary talks aside, I will talk about it in my next articles.

So it was 7.45 am when I woke up and decided to taste the pleasure that I was going to get by spending time in my mom's small garden. After 6 months or maybe more than this, I went to the garden which my mom owns just to make myself surprised and flabbergasted. Tiny invaders and lack of care destroyed all the beauty , fruits and vegetables bearing trees and saplings so I understood I want or not I have to work whole day so it is better to work and take care of them with my whole heart.

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This papaya tree is the only one which survived all the destruction and invasion of tiny insects. It was my mom who planted this papaya tree as it's one of my favourite fruit not because of it's many health benefits but because of it's taste. I was happy to see that it is now bearing many fruits more than I can count after waiting for so many months but my happiness faded away after seeing other plants that were not able to keep their healthiness. " "IMG_20220905_075239-01.jpeg""

" "IMG_20220905_075311-01.jpeg"" These basil plants are one of those who could not survive the destruction. 90% of these plants got ruined but there is a good news that we have more little saplings to plant in the future which will help to recover the loss we got. Actually, it is my mom who believes in herbal medicines more than homeopathic or allopathic medicines this is why we have a small area where we only plants herbal plants like alovera, bay leaves, butterfly pea, basil plants kalanchoi pinnata etc. " "IMG_20220905_083549-01.jpeg""

" "IMG_20220906_074912-01.jpeg"" I'm too much delighted to see my baby pumpkin and baby gourd's healthy growth. I hope they will grow bigger and bigger without facing another invasion or any other kind of destruction. To be honest, we did not actually planted seeds for these plants this year, we actually planted gourds and pumpkins previous year and I guess from those seeds which were scattered on their own these plants have sprouted gracefully and proudly.

It's the time to enjoy the warmth of our chillis !

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These are my mom's chilli saplings which are partially affected as you can see. As an Asean, spices are our most basic and important thing without spices we can't even live. Chillies contains Vitamin C along with vitamin A, B, pottasium, copper which are very helpful to boost our immunity system. Soo many health benefits right?? So as usual how can my Asean mom resist herself from eating gren chillies and forcing other family members from enjoying the peppery burning sensation. It's not a thing to complain as long as it's gives you uncountable benefits.

Okra for healthy and shiny hairs

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Though I hate Okras still I enjoys it as There are lots of benefits as Okra is rich with vitamin A, C , antioxidants which helps to gain a healthy body, to fight against heart disease, stroke. Apart from all of these Okra contains beta keratin and magnesium which helps to maintain the health and shine of our hair. As we don't take any vitamin supplements from outside so we tries our best to gain what our body needs from plants which is good I guess.

I was really tired as I did all the things all alone, cleaning the soil, spreading fertilizer , tearing apart all the rotten leaves and what not so as a human instinct my limbs were craving for some rest so I did not hesitate to treat my limbs and brain with some relaxation. When I was sitting under our tall mango tree I heard a very harsh shrill, it was a baby cuckoo who was begging for food from it's foster mother that is eventually a crow.

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Can you spot the baby cuckoo?? It was there sitting on highest branch while waiting for it's food.

Now it's time to enjoy the beauty of dusk and to stop writing. The nature is adoring herself with the sweet and desirable chirping of birds, wild blowing winds, withering flowers, singing of leaves.
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Mr. Sun is trying to paint the whole sky with blue, crimson fiery colour while peeping behind the tall and bushy coconut tree.

In the occasion of dusk, I want to dedicate some words to my beloved garden.

My beloved garden,
Can you hear the loud screams of my heart full of awe, pleasure, contentment??
I'm a silent lover of yours who does not know how to express her love and affection to you all I know is to love you silently. You stole not only my peace, worries with your charms and daintiness but also gave me uncountable celestial satiety. Just like this, you snatched away all my daydreams and moulded them into a beautiful reality. I will always be your silent lover as long as my breath will continue to accompany my soul. I know I have lots of flaws which becomes hindrance between you and me but believe me I adore you each and every second. You will always be mu first and only love.
Yours only

(All photos belongs to me and photographed by me)
Thank you soo much for reading my article and giving your valuable time.

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