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Nigerian Soil And Fertility 🌿: My Turmeric And Ginger Has Germinated, The First Fruit Of My Pumpkin Leaf Is Ready


Recently, it has been discovered that the fertility of the Nigerian Soil has been declining and this has threatened food sufficiency in the country. The reason for the decline is due to increased use if fertilizer in planting as well as low soil management among most farmers.

Climate and environmental factors have also contributed to soil infertility in the country and this has really affected our soil adversely

Remember that soil infertility has to do with the inability of the soil to provide the needed nutrients as well as water to the plants for it's consumption, leading to malnutrition in the crops that are planted.

Most farmers have not learnt organic farming which the a method of farming that places emphasis on the use of compose manure, green manure and bone meal. It also encourages crop rotation. Infact, this system of farming has to do with planting in a biological ways using organic fertilizer instead of the chemical ones.


A Visit To My Farm

You may wonder why I am writing on this, yes, a visit to my farm confirms the importance of organic farming. Even though I didn't practice soil rotation, I have discovered that organic farming is the best.

When the land was being prepared for farming, my friend, who helped to weed the farm told me that I don't need to burn the weeds that has been weeded. She said that I should leave them to dry on their own and decay to form a manure, this was what we did as you can see in the picture below


A closer look in the picture will reveal the weeds what has been weeded that are placed in between the ridges. My visit to the farm just this past Thursday revealed that those weeded weed had dried off, forming manure to the soil. I was afraid that the weeds will regrow if they are not burnt, but know, they didn't. In fact, the farm even after 27 days of planting is still as neat as it is in the picture below


As you can see from the picture above, only the cassava and the corn we planted are what you can see in the farm land and when you have a closer look, you will notice the dried weeds still in-between ridges, most have already decayed, providing the needed nutrients for the soil.

Unlike what we witnessed last farming season, where at this stage, weeds had already filled the farm. I am glad that we listened to my friend by not burning the weeds.


The Progress Of The Turmeric And Ginger, Including The Pumpkin Leaf That I planted

I had reported that my pumpkin has sprouted but my ginger and garlic had not. I was worried until I researched about how long it can take for them to sprout. I found out that it takes 6 to 8 weeks to sprout and but it didn't even take upto that long. This is just 27 days which is almost 4 weeks and they have already sprouted. See the video below and see how they are, including how the entire farm looks like.

IMG_20220603_085101_700.jpgthis turmeric or ginger, they look alikeIMG_20220603_085131_050.jpgthis is the pumpkin ready already ready for harvesting

They are so beautiful as they are very tender shoots. Though not all have sprouted but am so happy that they are coming out and are healthy too.

The pumpkins are also healthy and guess what? I harvested the first fruit as it were. Very fresh and tender, filled with chlorophyll for the nurishment of the body

IMG_20220603_090034_999.jpgthe handful of pumpkin leaf after harvesting them


Importance Of Organic Farming

It has been discovered that organic farming has a lot of benefits and importance both to human and animal lives including that of the plant. I have also discovered some importance as well which I am going to list below 👇👇👇

  • We all know that when chemicals are applied to the soil, it leaves residues on the soil which the plant absorbs. This is usually very harmful to both human and animal. But on the contrary, organic farming doesn't need chemicals and as such, such residues are not left and the crops grow biologically without any trace of such chemicals, making them more healthy for human and animal consumption.
  • Organic Farming helps to maintain the soil fertility at its natural stage thereby improving agricultural yields which in turn makes more foods available for the populace. Hence, it improves the health of the soil.

  • What about the cost of agricultural produce? It is reduced to the nearest minimum. This is because the cost of the fertilizers are very high, translating to high cost of farm produce.


Nigeria Should Adopt Organic Farming

Nigeria is experiencing high cost of food. It is very difficult to purchase enough food for the family here in Nigeria. Could it be largely due to non adoption of organic farming? It is possible. Everyone talks about fertilizer. In my husband's village for instance, hardly will you plant without adding chemical fertilizer to the soil because if you don't, there will be no yield at all. In fact, it will be a waste of time, energy and resources.

So if we all should adopt organic farming, it will improve farm produce and there will be more food available to all.

Additionally, there are a lot of cases of illnesses and I most is largely due to the chemical residues in the foods we eat. Adopting organic farming will eradicate this and thus makes for a healthy living in Nigeria.

Our natural resources will be maintained and everyone will be happy and enjoy our God given natural resources.



Organic Farming is the solution to all our food shortages. My farm is really doing great as a result and as such , I will personally encourage organic farming here in Nigeria.

My turmeric and ginger is sprouted. They are healthy. Even though I had not planted it before, I will just wait and see the results of it.

I have harvested the first fruit of my pumpkin. The cassava and corn are yet to mature. I will wait and see just like other farmers. Patience is the key.

I am eagerly awaiting the time when the earth will give it's produce as God meant it to be. But until then, organic farming will be of immense help to us all here in Nigeria and beyond. Thanks to you all for reading through.



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