The School-based Gardening that Will Glorify One's Integrity


The garden implementation in school being implemented is valuable although there is difficulty when it comes to stability. However, with the perfect collaboration between the learners and the teachers, nothing hinders in reaching the goal to have healthy plants.

The school-based garden evaluation is one of the most thrilling, suspenseful, and awaited events in our school. The hard work, commitment, and services rendered by the teachers will be rated based on the rubric presented to us. After being informed of the different criteria for judging done 2 months ago, we prepared our area religiously.

As a Grade 11 adviser, working hand-in-hand with my class was the best thing that we do. There were teamwork and unity within one another. This time, there were no strings attached between me and my students and we were working together as one, targeting the goal to have a better garden with a bountiful harvest someday.



Our assigned plot was still empty. We prepared it step-by-step. We have agreed to make 8 garden plots to be planted with various kinds of plants which is one of the criteria. We weeded the area and prepped the soil faithfully. Afterward, animal manure with loam soil was placed and mixed thoroughly.

Sawdust was also added for our plants to be healthy. We were making sure also that the soil will stay in place, thus, we used the excess coconut logs to hold them. My students found different ways in making the soil garden healthier for plants.


We have planted a variety of veggies like tomatoes, beans, pepper, lady fingers, Chinese kangkong, lemon grass, horse radish, and alugbate my favorite.


Time flies fast, and our vegetables grow healthier every day. We watered the plants daily. Since water is one of the main problems in school, the students are using their initiative to have plenty of water to be used in watering our plants. We used to visit our garden now and then.



This is the school's garden now. It is improving and green is already visible. We were making great things happen. With the strong force of my class, the garden was realized and an abundant harvest is waiting.



There are times that I don't have any viand, the green leafy veggies in my garden are easier to prepare. My students also harvested some of the veggies and cooked them so everybody can taste their efforts.

This time, I will give you a virtual tour of the different school gardens from the elementary department to the secondary department. The teachers here are all competitive to the point that they spent money to make theirs more "WOW" and appealing to the judges.

Elementary Department's Alluring Garden





Who couldn't be captivated by the magnificent beauty of this garden? It was designed and crafted uniquely. They utilized every space and look how healthy the plants are. It only shows that the teachers are taking care of them diligently.




In front of the classrooms, the potted plants are displayed. This is the collaborative work of the parents and teachers so they can have a better harvest to be shared by the pupils during the feeding program per classroom.



How splendid the landscape being done. Watching the growth of the plants in the garden can be a good stress reliever especially when we visited it during vacant hours. The vines planted nearer the wall will catch our attention to admire how beautiful they are.



Another good idea for holding soil in place is using these techniques. I was amazed and in awe looking at this unique way of having a healthier plant. It is quite expensive but since this is for the betterment of the pupils well then, elementary teachers are never hesitant to do this.

Secondary Department's Work and Success


To have seen the work of the skillful and talented students who did their best for the glory of the school is pretty rewarding. Another great accomplishment was done by the diligent teacher.


Isn't it amazing when you can see this spectacular garden? The area is not that big enough but the utilization of the entire space was done by the teacher. It was done artistically and as we can see all of the plants here are healthy. It is well taken care of.



I am ashamed to step on this well-painted pathway. This was the masterpiece of the students who have skills in painting. It is truly fabulous!


Recyclable materials are used as decorations here. We don't only have a healthy garden that is beneficial to the learners, but we have helped also in maintaining a clean environment by recycling the trash being thrown anywhere.


The garden can be inspiring. I have seen healthy plants here, the full force of the students and teachers here is evidence that once there is cooperation, everything will be realized.


Since this was a school-based contest, whoever is the champion she/he is deserving. Thru this program, I realized that nowadays, learners forget the true essence of gardening. With the aid of school gardening, I was able to bridge the students to reconnect with nature and not just keep on using gadgets. Being reliant on technologies can be future ruining thus, the integration of gardening helped them to become responsible in the future. It is a simple act that will truly nourish them to become worthy and can live a better life. And this makes me a winner.


That's all for this blog and may this contagious act will continue to be practiced whether in school or at home. Plant more veggies to stay healthy so we can live longer.

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