Greenhouse Herbs for the Summer Growing Season

I'm getting an early start on the garden this year, gaining an extra month on each end of the season with a greenhouse.


There is still a risk of below freezing frost temperatures overnight in my northern climate of BC Canada, the greenhouse adds a layer of protection from the cold and wind.

Plant Containers


I upcycled some bulk food buckets to plant containers. Holes were drilled into the bottoms for drainage - I added a few rocks on the bottom and potting soil.


Perennial and Annual Herbs

Most of these buckets were seeded with perennial herbs - oregano, sage, marjoram, mint, lemon balm, and thyme.


Some were seeded with annual herbs - basil, chives, dill, and chamomile. The perennial herbs will grow back each year, annual herbs have to be reseeded for the next season.


I pre-watered the soil - after sprinkling seeds and covering with dirt, they were lightly misted, then placed under the lights of the basement grow tent.


A Month After Planting

Most of the herbs have grown in well, except rosemary, rosemary can be more particular with it's sprouting circumstances, it'll need more time.

IMG_20230502_152959_581.jpg Dill

Sage, basil, Dill, chamomile, and sweet marjoram seem to have been the most vigorous sprouters.


The chamomile already has a few flower buds - chamomile makes a laid back and relaxing herbal tea.

IMG_20230502_152951_356.jpg Chamomile

Sweet basil brightens up many dishes, they go especially well with tomatoes and garlic.

IMG_20230502_152935_442.jpg Basil

Thyme, sweet marjoram, and oregano are more hardy herbs blend well with soups, stews, and meat dishes.

IMG_20230502_153011_922.jpg ThymeIMG_20230502_153019_381.jpg Oregano

IMG_20230502_152944_638.jpg Sweet Marjoram

All the herbs have been moved to the outdoor greenhouse for the grow season. The perennial herbs I'll transplant to permanent locations around the property at the end of the summer, matured they will survive the winter.


Along the center of the greenhouse I have containers with dirt for direct seeding corn, peas, lettuce, sunflowers, and other veggies. On the left side of the tent will be fabric containers for planting potatoes.



I might eventually build permanent garden boxes in the greenhouse, for this season I'm going with these temporary containers :)


Have a great day!


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