In the garden: flowers on the balcony


Everyone loves flowers – I do too. Cut flowers are often shared or received, which conveys or conjures up emotions. This short poem describes cut flowers very well, therefore I will share it again.

Petals so soft and blooms so fragrant,
Gloriously showing off their perfection,
Relishing in the spotlight,
Everyone fawns over their beauty,
Knowing it will not last forever.

Everything has its purpose and that of cut flowers for bouquets etc. are most certainly endearing. Marigolds fall into this category but they are also edible.

Colorful marigolds
I reside in the perfect country for flowers as The Netherlands is the largest exporter and trader in the world. However, today I will not share that story but instead I will share the gorgeous flowers from vegetables planted on my balcony.

Arugula or rocket salad flower

Arugula with a nectar-drinking bee

Not all plants produce flowers but most of them do.

Flowers of the celery plant

Some flowers will bear fruit.

Flowers are very important part of a plant’s life cycle.

Flowers of the tomato plant

They are beautiful and colourful in order to attract pollinators, such as bees to itself. The flowers provide nectar - food for the pollinators.

A bee drinking nectar from a tomato flower

The pollinators provide the delivery system to scatter the pollen while they move around. Thereafter, we look forward to an abundant harvest.

Recently I gave a helping hand to Mother nature – I did self-pollination using male and female flowers in order to produce pumpkins.

Male pumpkin flower with stamen in the center
Female pumpkin flower with stigma in the center

This was the perfect example of how flowers are used in a garden. It’s sad that the bees did not do the pollination, but that is for another post.

Some flowers, like that of the cucumber plant

and bell peppers, do not need a pollinator.

Some flowers produce seeds

Flowers can appear at the end of the plant’s life cycle when the plant bolts(flowers) and produces seeds. These seeds can be collected to start the plant’s life cycle again.

Cilantro(coriander) flowers

If there were no flowers, there would be no fruits, herbs, veggies or grains.

Liquorice mint (anise hyssop) flower

It is very clear that flowers are essential in providing food for humans and animals.

Flower of a potato plant

Aren't these strawberry flowers simply gorgeous?


It is always lovely to get a photo with a bee at work.

The spinach flowers are symmetrical,

the bok choy (pak choi) and

the sweet basil, exquisite

and the pea flowers are delightful.

I could not talk about flowers on my balcony without mentioning the unique olive

and lavender flowers.

I've had these plants before starting a vegetable garden.

I hope you enjoy a close-up look at these flowers from vegetables/herbs - although these represent only the ones I have planted on my balcony.

All photos are my own - taken with my iPhone 6S.

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