Garden Journal Bi-weekly Newsletter 30th November 2022

This year has flown by! Tomorrow many of us will be starting the count down to Christmas and then we'll be heading into a new year. I'm glad to see we still have some wonderful gardening posts still rolling in and I'm looking forward to sharing some of the ones that caught my eye this week.


Quails caught my attention in @anomadsoul's post. He's fairly new to homesteading so I thought I'd help put out a call for advice from our seasoned homesteaders.


Cassava is a food I've only started coming across in the western world recently, but I know it's a popular food in some countries. I've seen some posts from Africans growing it, but I particularly liked @eminentsam48's post on this nutritious root this week as he goes into more detail on how it's used in Nigeria and the process of making cassava Garri from preparing the land for growing to prepping the roots after harvest.


As usual, @isdarmady gives us his regular updates on his hydroponics. This week was a little different because he's been transferring seedlings and preparing the fertiliser solution. If you have an interest in starting hydroponics I'm sure this will be an interesting read.


Last, but most certainly not least, is @paradoxtma sharing with us the pros and cons of container gardening. He's obviously got the container touch, something that I absolutely don't have!


Thank you as always to this joining me for these highlights. Because I'll probably get less rewards on this post than a couple of my featured authors already have, this week I'm going to do double the beneficiary to the two least rewarded authors to try and make a bit of impact; @eminentsam48 and @isdarmady.



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