Working In The Farm

Today, has been a busy day for me. I went to the farms to attend to the crops. It has been both fun and work as I together with the labourer I hired were busy fixing to farm.

There are several ways we keep ourselves productively busy. We get busy in the right way when we engage ourselves what benefits us economically and otherwise. There are something we can spend our time doing which does not necessarily pay us.

It is not as if doing what we like doing and enjoy doing is bad, but doing what profits at a particular time is also important. Fun and other activities that may not benefit economically can also be engaged with. But just as the popular saying in my place, we should work before playing. Fun and entertainment should be a reward for a body which has worked productively and profitably.

The Farm Engagement

The farms has been in dire need of attention. After the cultivation of the land and subsequent planting of the crops, there was need to remove the weeds which have outgrown the crops in some parts of the farm. Most of the crops we had planted needed to be replanted again because, just as usual, some of the seedlings died and needed to be

Every farmer understands that farming requires proper care and attention. We usually spend good time checking on our farms to examine how the crops are doing. When one plant crops and leave them unattended to, the crops usual get destroyed either by rodents or weeds. So, proper farming practice requires good maintenance of the crops and the land.

Today, we weeded out the grasses to enhance the proper growth of the crops. We also applied fertilizer to enhance the proper growth of the crops. There was a new portion which we cultivated for planting new seedlings.

You might wonder why we are planting new seedlings now. This is warranted by the late rains we have been having in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. After our planting season in April, May, June, we had an unusual break that translated into an unexpected drought. Most of our crops died then, especially the maize plants. Maize is a plant which needs rain during its growing state.

Seeing the later rain, we gladly engage in planting of those crops which have life span of three months and two months. The adventure has been very successful and fruitful. The pictures of our farms are here. Thank you for your time in reading my blog.

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