Evening walk to the rice fields and plantations of residents in Ku Village

The afternoon is the perfect time to take a walk to relieve boredom after a day of dealing with students with all kinds of behavior that they do in the school environment. Usually after coming home from school my husband and I take a short break. After that, we usually go for an afternoon walk which has become our daily routine. The afternoon walk changes every day starting from shopping for kitchen needs, culinary tours, and taking walks around our house where there are still many rice fields.

And this afternoon my husband and I decided to take a walk to the rice fields and fields of the people in my area to breathe fresh air and look for inspiration there. I really like my afternoon walk, seeing the green scenery with various kinds of plants and rice fields of various ages ranging from those who have just planted, to those that have turned yellow and are ready to be harvested and some are already finished harvesting. all of them have their own scenery and art that starts to make this heart and mind comfortable in this environment.

One of the things that makes me feel at home is the green mustard plant that thrives so that the leaves and stems of the mustard are very fat, I really want to harvest the mustard greens and I turn it into a delicious dish for my husband and I for dinner, but this mustard is still not old enough to be harvested, it takes a few more days to be able to enjoy this mustard green, and the farmers are happy to share it with us if we want to process the mustard just for dinner without having to pay for the mustard.

Not far from the mustard plant I also saw a cucumber plant that had started to bear fruit and there was also fruit that was ready to be harvested, I really enjoyed this green view, I really wanted to enjoy this fresh cucumber and I ate it straight from the tree...ha ..ha, but I refrain from doing that because my hemoglobin level is still low and I still feel dizzy all of a sudden. Seeing this cucumber grow and the width of the cucumber field makes me excited and want to immediately grind the rujak seasoning to eat it.

And besides this cucumber tree there is also a corn tree that has started to bear fruit and it still belongs to my family. If you were in my position, would you want to leave this place? I'm sure you will want to linger in this area to enjoy the scenery, breathe air free from pollution and let the gentle breeze touch your skin. Not only that, there are bonuses that we get from an afternoon trip in this rice field area. The bonus is that you can watch the sun go down with a coy breath and start to leave the light for us here.

This beautiful view is a pity to miss, especially if you can also chat with the residents and talk about silly things to pass the time and rest for a while. My husband didn't even want to leave the hut he was staying in and I also didn't understand what he was thinking, so I took a photo of him secretly as if he had a heavy burden on life..ha..ha. even though I'm sure, my husband is just like me, starting to get sleepy in the soft wind, nice view. All of these sights have no flaws at all. This is so amazing. In the future I will capture the harvest from the mustard and cucumber again. It's really extraordinary. Greetings from us and good health to all.

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