Scary things about farming in some developing countries

Farming is my hubby and business. The uniqueness of farming is this unprecedented experiences that farmers encounter; which could be lovely or scary as case may be.

I’ve admired the mechanized system of farming in many developed world, nevertheless, the unavailability of these machines that beautify farming has become a big blow to some Africa farmers, hereby exposing us to many losses, injuries, accidents and discouragement.

I was exposed to minor injuries yesterday in my farm trying to plant some bananas around my poultry farm.

These bananas are meant to help in reducing the hash sun rays by bringing humidity around the farm.

I went to other farmers that are hybrid seedlings and ordered hundreds of banana suckers for my farm.

I was injured by a hidden nail on the process of transplanting those bananas around my farm.

I’m sure that this type of injury could be avoided with mechanized system of farming; a situation where machines, tractors and other equipments are used for farming.

I have a dream! That one day my farm could grow in capacity that I could afford some farming machines to that are more safe, fast, and secure. How to achieve my goal is not simply; it requires consistency, good management and long term planning. Bringing my farm to this level isn’t easy at all, but I’m glad to have started from scratch, i mean from nothing.

I know how to abase and abound through much experience gathering these several years of labor and hardworking.

I just hope that the purpose of building this farm out of my poverty will someday bring wealth, food security and jobs for community and other poor people around me.

Thanks for your great support. Together we’ve built this farm with crypto currency. Biggest thanks to Bitcoin Cash and Hive community.

Expect more details and progress of this farm.

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