Starting This August By Gardening.

Hello to everyone out there. How are you? I hope you're doing good all this time. May this August be full of blessings.

Time really flies fast and now it's one month before the ber months already. Christmas is near hihi.
By the way since it's a new month and the start of rainy season here in our country, I started to cultivate my garden and planted more seeds. Well I already did it in my previous blog if you read it wherein I planted string beans.


This time together with my cousin, we went to the other side of the irrigation where my little garden to be is located. It's still windy here but the dark clouds are gone finally and the sun is by the view already.

What we planted this day is a variety of string beans that don't need poles. This one grows not higher than our knees. Also the product that will be produce by this one is not that long and they're just big as a pencil.


So as you can see from the photo, I'm watering the soil to make it a little more ideal for my seeds to grow. Because if it's too dry then they will not sprout. I did it to the whole plot and while doing it I can really feel the hotness of the sun huhu. Even if I had that wooven hat and the long sleeves, still the penetration is not the same as before that you can sun bath to it.


After that I dug holes where I will plant the seeds and I made it a little bigger than the normal since I planned to put organic soil first.


Then from the stock of hay last harvest which turned into organic soil already, I get enough to fill all the holes.


After gathering some of that I immediately filled all the holes.


I began to plant the seeds already after that because my time allotted for planting those were running out.


As you can see the seeds are black when it matured and it really caught my interest to plant this one.


Our rice fields here were not yet planted so many cows are still on it, eating those green grass.
That's why I decided to put little poles to my garden that will serve as a sign that it is planted. I need to do it since some cows here are near my garden.


And here's the final result of what I did. There's the sign and I'm really hoping that those seeds will grow healthy.
It will only take 2-3 days for it to sprout that's why I can't wait to see them come out of their holes.

When we got home, I decided to sow the seeds of my chillies that I harvested before.


I used the recycled plastic container that I used before also. Having recycled container like that is very convenient when you want to sow some seeds. It's just there on the side ready to be use.


I sowed a lot of the chilli seeds since I planned to plant it somewhere else in the field that will not be planted by rice.


It will take a week I guess for it to sprout but I will try to fasten it by making it wet all the time.

That concludes the garden things that I did today and before I end this let me share the photos that I took.


I found a dead tree that despite it's branches being dried, still it looks great together with the blue sky.


Also an Ipil-Ipil tree that's still alive. A little bit of edit and here it is.

That's it for today and have a great night to all.
Thank you for reading.

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