Till The Day Away

It comes at a price. The price is time gone. A day off over. Fatigue. And a mind that wonders what was it all about.

The answer to that would be...it's investment. Growing life needs time and in the case of domestic plants — preparation, as well.

No way around it, so suck it up.

Greetings, Fellow Land Tillers, General Terraformers, and other Earthlings!

Today's agricultural session was bit on the boring and grinding side with next to nothing to boast about. There are days when you simply need to do the dirty work and expect no great recognition, nor diversity, nor thrill. Almost.

If you can find excitement anywhere, you can find it in simple and otherwise boring things, too. Trying to get there. But I did some of this kind of job and that's what matters.

Specifically, I just needed to till the grassy yard space today and eventually plant some seeds.

The first part brought me this surprise. A baby potato quite preserved under the soil.

I did not expect to find it while cleaning some small area near the place where potatoes were last year. I was not even quite there.

So, this one was probably tossed aside, perhaps not voluntarily, since it's in good enough shape still to be taken to the kitchen. Now or back then, the criteria was the same.

Well, I found a random potato,that should have been some diversity, no?

Aside from the random potato...

Here's the next round of carrot seeds. This time, I planted them in four different areas, trying to diversify their conditions and see where they shall fare well.


Some of the soil felt nice and easy to work with...


...and some of the soil was a pain in the wrist and waist. And less welcoming to the carrot seeds, I would bet.


All in all, carrots, parsley, red beet, and some peas were sown.

A lot of ground needs still be covered, i.e. tilled. Perhaps more than once.

There are new holes in the bucket.

Waiting for Spring to help make things better in some regards. Like...warmth.



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