The New House Of The Early Carrot Seeds

Greetings, Fellow Carrot Growers!

Coming in with a report on my attempt number two at starting a bunch of early carrots by building them a house for the winter.

My First Attempt was mostly a fail, both in terms of building procedures and in terms of assumed efficiency.

I promised myself I should try again and build a better shelter for them seeds as soon as possible. So, here be my next try.

A bit better (and also, more expensive), but still much to learn.

This might hold for a season but then might not.

Anyway, let me guide you through my amateurish experience, again.

I began with tilling some land and putting the plastic pipes into holes in the ground. The soil was soggy and cold, hard to work with a hoe or a spade there.


I had some seeds remaining from last time and I continued spreading those in a chaotic fashion. Yup, the spread could also be better but this was not the focus of the exercise, anyway.


Stomping on that earth in order to cover most of the seeds with a thin layer of dirt. Not stomping it all quite thoroughly, though. I wanted some of the seeds to remain in random "unstomped-on" areas.


Then, the easy part of applying the nylon stretch folio begins. Not quite easy due to the large and relatively cumbersome roll. Still, not much to go wrong...yet.


Only two arms were not enough to make a precise work of the lid, though. This version needed patches.


I began working on another cover, too, since I needed it to go at a more pronounced downward angle, so that snow and rainwater would not remain upon the roof that much...

And the result makes me feel doubt, again. It wouldn't hold heavy snow so I guess I shall just hope to have less stress upon the whole structure.

Still, some shelter should be better than no shelter and we might still have carrots in the end. We shall see.

THis is what your front view would be were you a carrot seed.

And the view to your back yard, too...

So, while not wildly successful, this was yet another lesson and yet another sample planted.

I am thinking of some tipi-like design for next time.

Learning step by step. After all, Rome wasn't built for a day.

Till then...

Peace and Parsley!



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