Reviewing The 'Seed Bank'

I've been spending some. Cracking seed packs just to experiment with early growth with small chance
of success. Now the season to earnestly plant and sow is ahead and I've got the packs of seeds ready. I've got some reserves, too. It became a game. A game of seed savings in a proverbial vault. It's a bag, really. But I turn small change into seeds every now and then.

Here's the reserves some of which will join the quest for garden domination versus weeds and other wild growth...

Chick Peas.

First time to try these guys. Never saw them grow. The instructions say I should plant them in May which is relatively late.

Some backup Carrots, still.

Planted some but too early, as I mentioned. More to be planted. Again. And again... They can grow in various seasons they say. We shall see that. I need to buy more, though. You can't have too much carrots, can you?

The Popcorn Corn for fun.

I don't think I will be planting that this year. Needs better irrigation that what I think I can provide as of now. If I set up the dripping system, though...

Dill with it.

Quite healthy. Haven't grown this stuff, yet.


It failed me last year. Or did I fail Thyme?

Seeds are cheap. I shall try it Thyme and again until it works for us both.


Same case scenario.


They shall have to wait for the irrigation transformation. I guess. Might try one pack this year, though, just to see how I cope with the challenge to provide for them.

Also somewhere in the mix...

Savory, Oregano, Basil, Chives...

Red Onions, Red Peppers, Red Beet...

One of each to hopefully grow. One or more to keep. Except carrots. I need more of those guys.


Peace and Parsley!



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