Harvest Is Nigh

Despair not, My Fellow Garden Tenders! I mean...Greetings!

Harvest is nigh. And then you can hack and slash with your sharpened hoe at everything else that remains on the ground. That would be paradise. Because weeding out stuff entangled in your crops while other stuff reaches with its tiny thorns to get your unwary hand...while not hell, sucks pretty much.

But despair not!

Harvest is nigh...

There will even be cherry picking for the righteous. Literally. In terms of the first part. I don't know about righteousness. But cherries are ready to get ready quite soon. A few more sunny days perhaps.

The ones that got ahead are already dea picked for the testing.

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Most shall be in waiting for the ripening, needing a few more days or a week under the Sun...

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Some shall be ready.

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A mass shall be amassed.

Hard to collect all, though. Trees are big and outer branches reach beyond the Stratosph your reach.

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This one is from a late-ripening cherry tree. That rains blocked the timely harvesting of last year and all the fruit was spoiled by the time the Sun was shining once again.

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The old legacy peaches were not good last year, either. Perhaps more luck this time shall be of use.

And the rest of the plants that I shall be harvesting for the second year...unless I fail to do that on time and with skills that stun.

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Peas, still young and only the first to grow plants sporting pods.

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A young carrot being pulled out to be inspected before its time was done. Still good. Just not massive.

Carrots of different sizes and stages here and there across the yard. SO that we have many a time to be pulling out fresh carrots. Time shall tell, though.

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Two out of the three strawberry fruits this year.

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Potatoes pulled out early, as well, in the name science. Those will need more weeks, perhaps even a month or so before growing to their full potential. I suppose. Last time we had to gather them all early because of the bugs that do a lot of damage to these plants.

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And some wild nettle making an appearance.

Where's the hurry?

Cherries have to be picked and consumed or frozen soon. They are too...what was that favorite word of the decade...transitory.

Peas, too. When they are ready I shall not linger. They become hard and, well, infested, otherwise. And that's true for the cherries as well.

Yup. No pesticides used. Most gardeners would consider it a mistake. I am not about great harvest results. I just want some harvest. To satisfy my eyes and soul. That's it. Just learning and taking notes of what happens.

Peace be upon you!

Manol, The Gatherer

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