(Not) My succulent garden

The other day when I went over to my sister's to have my hair done, I had a snoop around at her collection of plants.

I'm told succulents are quite easy to grow. A couple of years ago she gave me two strings of pretty pearls but sadly they died within a week ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ. I swear I looked after them as instructed, maybe succulents and I are just not meant to be. Her's on the other hand look so healthy and bubbly.

My sister has got loads of different types of succulents and told me the names of each one. She's pretty knowledgable about them all and has so many different types that it's like a succulent store. I wonder if that's common for succulent owners, that they keep on adding to their collection. And if that isn't enough, she also propagates more so they keep on growing and growing.






I fortot all the names she told me, apart from this one. She said this is called mother of thousand tongues, which to be honest, I think it's quite an ugly name. The tongues are those little bits on the edge of the leaves.

And she's propagated more little baby ones from the tongues leaves.

I like this wheelbarrow planter as it's big enough to design a mini landscape garden and you can easily move it around the garden. I think my sister didn't put much thought into the design!! It looks like she just plonked different succulents in it!!


However, I think she did well with this one. It's is a great way to reuse old broken pots instead of throwing them away. She said the pot broke, so she turned the broken piece into two pereimeters. The cascade effect is lovely but I think it would be even more prettier if she added a dash of different colour and some strings and let it dangle over like a waterfall. Anyway, good job on her for creating such a nice piece.... says the person who can't keep succelents alive๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Maybe I'll go and get some proper lessons from my sister one day to learn how to grow succulents. Some of them are so pretty and their miniature size looks so cute. Hopefully the next time I make a succulent post it will be about my own plants.

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