Trees and plants in my house

Hello #hivegarden friends in this new post, in this new post I want to show you the “big bushes” I have in my yard. They are not really not very big, but there are several of them, some pretty, some stunners. So let's get started...

Hola amigos de #hivegarden en este nuevo post, en este post nuevo quiero mostrarles las "matas grandes" que tengo en mi patio. En realidad no son muy grandes, pero hay varias, algunas bonitas otras pasmadas. Asi que empecemos..


We begin with the lemon tree, it has time that does not throw a lemon, I imagine that by the drought, but now that it is raining I hope that if, first the flowers come out and then the lemon.

Empezamos con el limonero, tiene tiempo que no echa ni un limoncito, de imagino que por la sequia, pero ahora que esta lloviendo espero que si, primero le salen las flores y luego el limon.



Then we continue with the lemon pine or cypress, this tree is delicate, it needs water, I think it is about 5 meters tall, I don't know exactly, it is right next to the lemon tree.

Luego seguimos con el pino limon o cipres, este arbol es delicado, necesita agua, yo creo que mide unos 5 metros, no se exactamente, esta justo al lado del limonero.



Then we continue with the tuatua, that is the name we give it here, its scientific name is Jatropha, this plant is used for the flu, and it is also used to lower glucose, you must strain it because it has a kind of pollen that is harmful to the intestines because supposedly it can cause intestinal obstruction... The new leaves are purple, the next ones are green, it has a “fruit” that I don't know if it is edible... and I don't feel like finding out either...

Luego seguimos con la tuatua, ese es el nombre que le damos aca, su nombre cientifico es Jatropha, esta planta la usan para la gripe, y tambien la usan para bajar la glucosa, debes colarla porque tiene una especie de polen que es perjudicial para los intestinos ya que supuestamente puede provocar una obstruccion intestinal... Las hojas nuevas son moradas , las siguientes son verdes, tiene un "fruto" que no se si es comestible... y tampoco tengo ganas de averiguar...



Here we have other photos of Pino limon or cypress.

Por aqui tenemos otras fotos de Pino limon o cipres.



We continue with the manilla palm or chaguaramo, it would be spectacular if this plant gave edible fruit. It is very beautiful, only these fruits come out that are like red. You plant them and another plant comes out.

Seguimos con la palma de manilla o el chaguaramo, seria espectacular si esta planta diese fruto comestible. Es muy bonita, solo salen estos frutos que son como rojos. Uno los siembra y sale otra planta.



We continue with the Ailanthus altissima, which gives us an edible fruit called anon, which is very tasty, at least I like it very much. its shape is similar to another fruit called guanabana. I have been waiting too long for this plant to bear fruit, hopefully soon we will be able to enjoy it and also take some pictures.

Seguimos con la Ailanthus altissima, que nos da un fruto comestible llamado anon, que es muy sabroso, por lo menos a mi me gusta mucho. Su forma es parecida a otra fruta llamada guanabana. Tengo demasiado tiempo esperando que esta planta de frutos, ojala pronto podamos disfrutar y tambien tomarle varias fotos.



To this bush, we call it the topocho bush, its name is Kluai Nga Chang and it gives a fruit similar to the camburs, which is very useful when someone has diarrhea, the inside of the fruit is gray, you take out all the green shell, wash it well and cut it and put it to boil, it is also useful to put it in soups. You should add a little salt if you are going to use it to stop diarrhea. It can also be used to make “tostones”, you must also remove the green shell, and crush them, fry them and add a little salt. This if it has the purpose of a “snack” or appetizer.

A esta mata, la llamamos la mata de topocho, su nombre es Kluai Nga Chang y da un fruto similar a los cambures, que sirve mucho cuando alguien tiene diarrea, el interior del fruto es color gris, se le saca toda la concha verde, se lava bien y se corta y se coloca para hervir, tambien sirve para colocarselo a las sopas. Debes echarle un poco de sal si lo vas a usar para frenar la diarrea. Tambien se puede usar para hacer "tostones", debes igual sacar la concha verde, y aplastarlos freirlos y echarles un poco de sal. Esto si tiene la finalidad de un "snack" o pasapalo.



Some lilies in bloom here...

Unos lirios florecidos por aca...



Here more closely, we can see the “pollen” of the tuatua and its “fruits”, I do not know if they can be eaten. And the plant that appears in the photo with white flowers, is small oregano, which is used to season the food, it is also used to add it to the pizza, the leaves are removed and put to dry in the sun, and ready to be used as a spice. We don't use only the leaves, we also throw away the branches.

Aqui mas de cerca, podemos ver el "polen" de la tuatua y sus "frutos", no se si se pueden comer la verdad.. Y la planta que aparece en la foto con flores blancas, es oregano chiquito, que se usa para condimentar la comida, tambien sirve para echarle a la pizza, se le sacan las hojas se pone a secar al sol, y listo ya sirve de especia. Las flores no las usamos solo las hojas, las ramas tambien las botamos.



That's all for today friends I hope you liked it, I'll read you in the comments!

Eso es todo por hoy amigos espero les haya gustado, los leo en los comentarios!


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