Hello Hive Garden!


What is up my fellow Garden Nerds!? It has been way to long. Sorry for my disappearance, it probably seemed I fell off the edge of the Earth with the way I stopped posting. It has been since Oct since I have posted to Hive Garden. Then I just lost all motivation to create any content. But thanks to a fellow Garden/Weed Nerd, @futuremind I have finally found the motivation to post again! I will not go into detail why, but if you are interested you can view my first post since Oct here.

Although I lost my motivation to create content, I still had it outside of the world of the Internet. This year I have a little bit more variety in the Garden, on top of the things I have always grown. The flowers I planted around the border of the Garden last year are still going strong! In fact they are more in abundance since last.

Last year I grew some Garlic that was gifted to me from Garden Nerd @anewyorkminute79, and set aside 2 Bulbs to grow this year. These where planted late January, making it double the amount from last year. :)

After planting those Garlics, I went ahead, and planted some more from some Bulbs I got from the store. I forget which kind it is, but I do know they are a smaller Bulb than the ones I got from @anewyorkminute79. Earlier in the year I was worried since I was dealing with a Gopher. Which BTW got around 3 Garlics! So far so good since I went ahead and dug out a trench around the garden, and laid some wire mesh to block anything from coming in. I also broadcasted some poison in some of the burrows around the yard.

This year I decide to start some Tomatoes from seed. These above are a mix of Beefsteak, and 4th Of July Hybrid.

They are ready to go in the ground now, which I will probably do tomorrow. I also have been gifting them around to friends, and family which is something I really love to do!

Here are some Jalapenos I got from the Nursery.

Then here is an Asian Pepper, that is not doing good at all. I suspect the Gopher was gnawing on the roots of this since the tunnel was right underneath this plant when I first planted.

The 3 pics above are from a Giant Pumpkin we got from the Pumpkin Patch last year for Halloween. Can not wait to see if I can achieve the same size of what they came from!

This is a White Pumpkin I just transplanted into the ground.

These are two Tomatoes I got from the nursery before I decided to start more from seed.

I am unsure on what this is since these are from some seeds I threw into my Compost. It might be Kale or something similar. Whatever it is something is really loving it:( If anyone knows what this is, please let me know in the comments.

Some Peas, and Beans. Not doing to well, really unsure why. Hopefully the rebound back.

Then I got some Egg Plant, Glass Corn, and a few other surprise Compost seed starts that will soon go into the ground.

I am doing the same thing I have been doing on the side of the property planting Sunflowers, and Glass Corn. This year I went ahead, and threw some of those Giant Pumpkins, and a Gord. Along with some Gladiolas that I planted last year! Everything is going so-so. It has been on the cold side this year, with the Weather bouncing around all over the place. One day it's warm, the next cold. One thing that is working in my favor this year is the fact I actually got things out in time. Last year I did not start planting till the end of June. I am looking forward to growing some more things, and sharing here on Hive. So stay tuned my friends!

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