Almost Only Counts with Horseshoes, & Hand Grenades....


The Salinas Valley, 20 miles south of my home

Hello fellow garden nerds of Hive! I have been patiently waiting to get things going in the garden for the new season, and it is getting very close to where I can start getting some seeds started! It has been so cold the past couple of months, more so then what I can remember. To be fair though, it just may be because I am now getting up at 7am to take my kids to school. Before it was my wife who did that, and I was getting up at 9ish to get to work by 10am. LOL. But seriously it has been a cold year, because we have never ran the heater this much in prior years.

We are still not quite there yet, but I can this 67 degree day is getting me motivated, and has me contemplating on what exactly will I grow this year. Still undecided on everything. The only thing that I have my mind set on, is no Squash. I already have Garlic started, and you know that Glass Gem Corn will be on the menu. But what else? Good thing I still have some time to think. In the mean time I can slowy prep the garden and get it ready before it is time to put stuff in the ground.

In a corner of the front of the property I transplanted some shoots of Nasturtiums. We have so much of it growing on the other end of the property, and it is such a beautiful plant. Not only is is nice to look at, it is also nice to eat. Another great thing about planting these here, is because Nasturtiums is a pest repellant. Which is something I literally just learned now!

I also love this plant because it does so good in the shade. I only did 4 shoots, but after learning about the pest repellant, I am going to do it up and down the Jade Plants near the garden.

Which will be such a perfect spot for them, since it is well shaded. I wish I would of done this a lot sooner!

Another cool thing I plan to do is to plant Marigolds, and other flowers on the other side of those 2x4's you see on the edge of the garden. Before I was planted Marigolds with no rhyme, or reason. I figured it would be better for the garden, and nice to look at with a little organization.

I have just been devoting 10-20 min a day putzing around the garden, after all this is at work. However there will be days I have more free time after I get caught up with cleaning out vacant units, and whatever else needs to be done.

In my last post, I planted Garlic

Last week

Taken today!

All the cloves I planted are growing great. Thanks again to @anewyorkminute79 for gifting me these. I always love growing what my fellow Hivers have sent me. Believe it or not, it has been quite a few, and I know will be more in the future, I really love this place!

I can not believe that I mest up something as simple as spacing the garlic! It is recommended you space them 4 inches, and these are around 2.

Although they would of been fine this close, I figured I might as well fix this mistake.

Worked like a charm!

If you have followed along my cannabis grows, you would know that I love roots. When I cloned, I loved seeing those roots pop out of the Rapid Rooters. Then once I saw those roots, a bond between man, and plant was formed. So once I saw those healthy roots after transplanting that above Garlic, it was no different.

All together I have 9 Garlic bulbs growing. Which is great, since I put this shit on everything! I suppose within the next week, or two I will throw some top dressing on. Perhaps work some of my compost into the soil as well.

I also will complete getting the garden layout complete. Which will happen in the next couple days. Then I will decide on what exactly will be growing this year. I was hoping that the Pumpkin would of made it, but that is looking like it won't. Although I still have it in the ground. So perhaps I should grow a couple Pumpkins. Only thing is they take up so much room. I don't know, we will see. Until next time, thanks for tuning in, and make sure to keep an eye out for the next garden update. :)


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