About Time!


Hey fellow gardeners! It has been 17 days since the last update, and now I can finally say I have filled up my whole garden! With my late start in the season, and my procrastination it has been a long time coming. No worries though, I am 100% happy with it. Can it be better? Of course, but this is why it's important I learn from these mistakes, and do things better next time.

I added a Beefsteak Tomato, and this time I did not mess around. I added the cage right away! Not added a cage was a mistake I made before.

I also got one for the other Tomato, which is something I regret not doing right away. Lesson learned!

There are a few Tomato's coming in, and they where dragging on the ground due to not caging up right away. So I got a stake to prop them up a few inches.

I added another hot pepper, called the Fresno Chili. I have never heard of this before, and I thought the name sounded cool, so I decided to add to the garden.

Here are the Sunflowers I added to the corners of the garden, on the opposite side of the Pumpkins.

The Glass Corn are looking great!

The Sunflowers, and the few Glass Corn on the side of the property are starting to really take off! I also planted some Corms of Gladiola's as an experiment to see if they grow this time of year. My hopes is to have more Corms for next year. If they do not take, I have more on the property that I will save, and store for next year.

My lone Carrot is looking great! I really wish I was able to get more to grow. The lesson learnt here is I need to start these indoors.

If you recall the extra plants I had in the SOLO cups, I decided to plant few of the Pumpkins outside of the garden plot. Hopefully I can get 1-2 Pumpkins off these.

The Serrano's are really loving their spot. So happy my Peppers are doing so much better then last year. They really did not like the hard soil.

I am really starting to wonder about this Yellow Watermelon. It is growing great, but the fruits are so small! A couple even have fallen off. It will be such a disappointment if this not not finish.

The funky looking Pumpkin. Not sure if this is ready to stick a fork in, but even if it isn't I just may. It really is not doing well. Or at least not as good as the others. If you look closely there are a couple seedlings that popped out of the Compost ready to take its place.

If you look even closer, you will see this weird looking fungus at the base!

This is the same exact kind of Pumpkin as the funky looking one, and look how much better it is doing. This Pumpkin is going to be big!

I just wish there where more Pumpkins. Hence why I decided to plant the extras. I may even plant more, in hopes to up my Pumpkin count for Halloween. Fingers crossed!

Here are the Jack-O-Lanterns, and again not sure why there are only a few Pumpkins. 1 on one, and then 2 on the other. Is that common for Pumpkins to do?

These are not going to be as big as the Big Max, but they are going to have a beautiful shape!

Well that is it. This will be my Garden! It isn't much, but I am happy to be growing. It is so much fun, and therapeutic. I have some more Compost in the works, and hopefully it will be done in at least a month. If not I am not going to stress since I still have some top dressing I can put down. Then if worse comes to worse I will use some liquid fertilizer that I have left over from back in the day. Until next time, have a good one everyone:)


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