Second Harvest Of My String Beans Plus Cutting Some Pechay Leaves(Chinese Cabbage).

I hope that you had a good day so far. Hello again my fellow gardeners out there. How's your garden, I hope your plants are doing well the same as mine.

I've talked about my first harvest of string beans here last February 9 and I had a bountiful harvest. I hoped and prayed that they will bear more baby string beans for me to harvest for the second time. God heard my prayer and my plants really developed more string beans. My father saw it and informed me yesterday since I haven't gone to my garden since the last harvest.

So I was very happy again and this morning, I decided to harvest them once again. Just like last time, the yellow bucket was with me and it seems the charm they said about it really works hihi.


So without further ado here's my second harvest of string beans. It's amazing that I'm able to gather these many again after 6 days. If I have a lot of string beans planted for sure it can generate me everyday harvest just like those farmers I watched.


But fertilizers were applied to them and as for me, there's none so it's expected that it will not produce a lot. Still I'm grateful that my plants can produce enough strings beans for us to consume.


My grandmother was the one who cleaned it and just look at those fresh string beans. For sure the next harvest will be bountiful again.


I also gathered the string beans that's matured already and will serve as my binhi, the seeds to be planted for the next planting.

Gathering my pechay(chinese cabbage).


This day I gathered the matured leaves of my pechay. Finally I'm able to cut some of it's leaves. I've been patiently waiting for this time and I can say that all of my hardworks finally payed off.


I gathered a lot of it and these were the leaves we partnered with the string beans that I cooked for our lunch this day. We consumed fresh harvest vegetables today and I can assure that they are healthy since I didn't applied any pesticides to it.


The same with my cabbage, I didn't applied any fertilizer to it. I just watered it every morning. For sure if fertilizer were applied, it's leaves grows bigger but nah I didn't because the soil I used were organic fertilizer itself so it's okay.


Also I didn't cut it's stem for me to gather the next leaves next time. I will do this method until it develops flowers. My goal also for doing that is to have those seeds and will be planted again.

My first ripe tomato.


As for my tomatoes, I picked up one of it's fruits since it was ripe already. I was happy again about it but sadness came in when I noticed the bottom part of it that it has a condition called blossom end rot. Which is the bottom of the tomato is starting to rot and this condition is cause by lack in calcium.


That condition is not yet present when I first took a photo of my tomato fruits. It's all sudden and it's so sad for me since it's the first tomato that I can harvest if that didn't happen. With that case, I decided to make the seeds matured enough to be planted again.

This day has been full of harvest session and I'm very happy about it even if my tomato became like that. Well it's given when you plant tomatoes that's why I'm preventing such case immediately. As they said prevention is better than cure.

My garden journey this day ends with that tomato and I hope that the remaining fruits will not have that condition.

Thank you for reading and as I'm always saying....

-Plant,plant and you'll survive.
Jhero 02/15/23

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