Condition of My Hydroponic Garden in Early August 2022 - My Garden Journal


Hello everyone and all members of Hive Garden Community, how are you friends today? I hope and pray that all of us are always given health, happiness and also ease in living this increasingly crazy and strange life. As we know, a lot of bad things happen on this Earth. Starting from the war between humans, environmental damage, rising prices of basic commodities and also many other bad things.

Therefore, we must do various things to prevent our minds from becoming stressed. One way that many people do is gardening. As a person who has been doing gardening as a hobby and a job for the past few years, I believe gardening will lead to better physical and mental health. I rarely exercise, and gardening helps me be physically active and move more often. I also feel my mental health is better, when we see the vegetables will be harvested with bright green color, we will feel a very great happiness.


As usual, this time I want to participate again in this community. Every week I try to consistently share my Garden Journal, which is about my activities when gardening with a hydroponic system. This week's weather has been pretty good for growing all the vegetables in my hydroponic garden. The sun was shining very well, and the rainfall was also falling normally. However, there are conditions where one day it shines so brightly that it makes some vegetables burn.

My Hydroponic Lettuce Condition


This week, I've finished the rest of the lettuce I told you about last week to harvest. I still have several other lettuces with different growing ages in my hydroponic garden. In this planting period, I tried to plant lettuce seeds from different brands. Last month, I planted grand rapids lettuce from Arrow Merah Brand and this time, I tried a new seed of grand rapids lettuce from Know You Seed Brand.

The lettuce photos above are the grand rapids lettuce from Know You Seed Brand at 28 days after the seedlings I planted and developed in my hydroponic installation. From my observations, the lettuce seeds from Know You Seed Brand grew very well compared to the lettuce seeds I used before. In addition, this lettuce also has a very bright and beautiful green color.

For this planting period, I used a fertilizer solution with a concentration of 700-800 ppm. In addition, this week I also sprayed a garlic solution that serves to reduce pest attacks such as caterpillars or insects. The results were quite good, the lettuce that I planted did not have symptoms of pest attacks such as leaf damage. Next week, I will probably harvest some of the lettuce. Therefore, I will also do lettuce seeding for the next planting period.

Pakchoy Development in My Hydroponic Garden

Pakchoy that I grow in my hydroponic media grows very well and uniformly. Pakchoy is a vegetable that can grow well in any weather conditions. Pakchoy can be grown in the lowlands or in the highlands, in hot or cold weather. However, according to research, pakchoy is ideally planted at an altitude of 100-500 meters above sea level but with a hydroponic system, we can get pakchoy with optimal conditions.


In this planting period I used a fertilizer solution with a concentration of 1000-1200 ppm. This week, this pakchoy is 21 days old after sowing in very good condition. I also spray garlic solution regularly on all my hydroponic media and it works very well at preventing pest attacks.

In addition, packhoy with planting age 21 days after sowing. I also have a lot of pakchoy which are only a week or about 14 days apart. Last week I transplanted the pakchoy seeds that I was sowing, and they were also growing very well. In this week, all the aspects needed for proper vegetable growth took place and it was very profitable for hydroponic growers like me.

Hydroponic Kangkong Development


For the people of Indonesia, Kangkong is a popular vegetable, because kangkong has a delicious taste, is easy to cook, and also has a low price. This green vegetable has a unique history before it was considered a vegetable that has benefits for our bodies. My discussion with an agricultural doctor a few days ago revealed the fact that initially kangkong was a weed plant or considered grass and reeds. The poverty conditions of the Indonesian people in the past made kangkong a vegetable that everyone consumed.


I have kangkong that is 12 days old after seeding. These vegetables are growing well, I used a hydroponic liquid fertilizer solution with a concentration of 1000 ppm in this planting period. Kangkong is a type of vegetable that requires a lot of water to grow. When planting kangkong, we have to make sure all the roots of the kangkong and part of the lower stem are submerged with water. Therefore, kangkong is a vegetable that is certain to not be affected by root rot disease.

Moving to Plant Bitter Mustard

I moved about 180 pots of bitter gourd to my hydroponic installation. I grow these vegetables specifically for the needs of my family. My mom and dad really like this vegetable, they can eat this vegetable for one month in a row.

This planting period, I used a liquid fertilizer solution with a concentration of 1000 ppm, I tried to reduce the use of fertilizer for all vegetables in the early planting period. The high price of fertilizer made me have to rack my brain to find the best way, one of which was trying to get around the use of fertilizer.



Oh yes, I also want to thank my friends in the Hive Garden community. This week I received many mentions from friends who took part in the Little Challenge in the Hive Garden Weekly Newsletter, very happy to be able to make an impression in this community.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

Thanks for read, vote, re-blog and support me in Hive. Maybe god will reward the kindness, let’s success together.

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