My search for natural medicine in the building's garden.



Warm greetings to the productive community, C/Hive Garden, it is nice to read and nourish myself with the knowledge and wisdom of the agri-food culture that you archive in the Hive blockchain network.



Today, Saturday, I am passing through the city of Naguanagua, Carabobo, Venezuela; it is a pleasure to share a couple of weeks here, I am accompanying my family, wrapped in the well-being of happiness. I go down the elevator of the building to pick up a few leaves to prepare an infusion, which I regularly take with me for breakfast. It has stopped raining, the rain is refreshing the region, accompanied by the clouds coming from the Carialindas mountains. On the ground floor, the caretaker of the building is in his dressing room watching the security cameras. I walk down the corridor to the garden. This is a formidable walk, the plants are distributed with an organization that allows me to recreate and breathe with nobility, it has an area where the grass is shaved, with good sense to maintain a space for the recreation of the resident families of the building.



The fence of the building is lined with many plants that have a wide medicinal content, here are three lemon plants (Citrus limón) and three lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), turmeric (Curcuma longa), oregano (Origanum vulgare), Colombiana (Kalanchoe blossfediana) and citronella (Cymbopogon citratus). I approach the lemon balm and amuse myself by observing the family of bees (Anthophila) that are in the natural process of honey and pollination. I watch them carefully, but there are no surprises, they are sucking the nectar from the precious lemon balm flowers, I try to take several photographic samples, they are hyperactive. I love bees, I know them, they are always in my way, they are my guides of light. I am fascinated by the radiant natural life in this garden of the building. I run to try to take a good picture of the bees, but I need a more technologically capable camera, I am relaxed with this divine residential environment.



The site has several ornamental and shade plants, including a Creole plum, an avocado and a moringa (Moringa olifeira). Here, near the entrance and exit corridor of the building, turmeric and citronella with exquisite flowering bushes predominate. Here, several bushes of llanten (Plantago major), lochitas (Hidrocotvle umbellatal) and acetaminophen (Plectranthus caninus) are scattered on the grass. It should be noted that this is a garden with the characteristics of a botanical garden. In my reflection of the situation and the human condition, I have the vision that many of these families, residents of this building, are unaware of the importance of this medicinal herbalist. They have the medicine in the building and do not know it.

I take the elevator up to the floor of my family's residence, enter the flat and dedicate myself to change the old soil, to the prosperity or money plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia); to charge it with new and vigorous nutrients. The situation is given because the word has an energy that is transmitted through it with fruitful intention; moreover, this, and the great diversity of precious plants, generate well-being and money for those who take care of them. I respect that opinion, very much in my vibrational frequency, with my personal life, I consider that it is possible. But if I grow as much food and medicinal plants as possible, I will also generate with this positive engine the highest economic and financial vibration for my family environment.

I am excited to find in this garden, valuable information to encourage the promotion and awareness of the medicinal garden in the communities.

Thank you for being and being in the microuniverse of agro-medicinal wisdom.

REFERENCES: The photographic samples taken with my Realme Pro 7 phone are my property, with the support.

The translation is done with the Deepl app

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